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发布时间:2018-05-06 14:45

  本文选题:法律援助 + 质量管理 ; 参考:《中国海洋大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Legal aid is a judicial system in order to ensure that the people in difficulty can get equal protection of the law and effectively safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. It embodies the civilization of the legal system in the contemporary society and is the unshirkable responsibility of the state. However, the ideal design of the system can only be reduced to furnishings without any practical effect. Therefore, can the quality, convenience and efficiency of legal aid work be accomplished, and practical problems be solved for the people in need? It is the core value of the establishment and development of legal aid system. The legal aid system of our country has not been developed for a long time and many aspects are not mature. After 20 years of exploration and improvement, the legal aid system with Chinese characteristics has been preliminarily established, which has played a great role in solving the legal problems of the difficult masses. However, we should see that there are many management blind areas in the process of operation of our legal aid system, such as the traditional aid mode can not effectively use human resources, aid returns are low and lack of fairness, aid quality control is not in place. At the same time, the development of aid work also faces many difficulties, such as insufficient financial support and uneven regional, lack of aid personnel, difficult to mobilize the enthusiasm of aid workers and other practical problems, which need to be improved in quality management in our country. The legal aid system originates from the western countries. Learning from the more mature and experienced countries can make us have a clearer contrast and a deeper understanding of our own shortcomings. In this paper, the author finds out how to solve the problem of legal aid quality in our country, and sets up a legal aid quality management system in accordance with the situation of our country. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part describes the related concepts of legal aid, research background and value. The second part points out the difficulties and problems in the quality management of legal aid in our country on the basis of summarizing the current situation of legal aid in our country. The third part is the focus of this paper, first of all, the analysis of the two countries in the United Kingdom and the United States in the legal aid management of the aid model and quality control measures. According to the situation of our country, the author thinks that for the regions with abundant human resources, we should consider establishing the aid roster system to distinguish the different areas of law and practice, according to the type of assistance cases. The degree of complexity corresponds to the corresponding aid worker. At the same time, we should set up the subsidy system to change the traditional "one-size-fits-all" subsidy system, which means "high pay and high return". In addition, for the difficult situation that the quality of aid cases is difficult to monitor, the corresponding monitoring methods in different aid stages are designed. In the course of handling a case, in addition to continuing to use the traditional "hearing" method, the legal aid supervision card, the aid supervisor system, the peer supervision system, the regular reporting system, and the "consultation" handling of major cases may be used comprehensively. Monitor the quality of case handling. After the case processing is over, the quality of aid is evaluated through file inspection and comprehensive evaluation, and the quality of case handling is continuously maintained and improved. In addition, the quality management of aid quality can not be separated from the guarantee and support of funds, personnel and other social resources. In the last part of this paper, the above aspects are discussed. In a word, we need to mobilize all kinds of resources to support and guarantee the sound and development of the quality management of legal aid in our country.


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