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发布时间:2018-05-07 12:46

  本文选题:民事诉讼 + 申请再审 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:民事申请再审制度一直是我国民事诉讼制度审判监督程序中的组成部分。建国初期,我国诉讼法并没有详细规定民事申请再审的申请要求、受理条件及审查程序,只是将申请再审作为法院的一项工作任务,书面审查后对当事人进行释明解答。2007年《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第四次修改后,这一审查程序终于取得了法定地位,从内部程序上升为法定程序、公开程序。明确规定了其始于当事人提出符合要求的的再审申请,终结于人民法院作出再审、驳回或者其他裁定的严格程序。民事申请再审制度虽然地位十分重要,但其只是一、二审基础诉讼制度之外的审判监督程序,是在大部分公平正义案件之外的纠错程序。2012年,《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》进行了第五次修订,对民事申请再审条款作了大篇幅的修改,虽然对制度进行了细化,在程序上加以严谨,但仍然没有摆正其在民事诉讼程序中的正确位置。今年来,民事申请再审案件数量一直居高不下,甘肃省各级法院近五年民事申请再审案件受理数量的变化即是最好的例证,这种现象在一定程度上与民事申请再审制度的设置有关。这种现状不但违背了申请再审制度的设计初衷,更危害了司法公信力和既判力。明确申请再审制度的弊端和主次任务,并研究对策和修正方案有利于我国民事诉讼的健康有序发展。 本文主要从申请再审案件的审判实践出发,对案件数量激增的原因和对策展开论述。内容包括三部分:一、我国民事申请再审制度概述;二、我国民事申请再审制度存在的问题及其原因;三、完善我国民事申请再审制度的建议。
[Abstract]:The civil application retrial system has been a part of the trial supervision procedure of our country's civil litigation system. At the beginning of the founding of the people's Republic of China, the procedural law of our country did not specify in detail the application requirements for the civil application for retrial, the conditions for acceptance and the procedure for examination, but only made the application for retrial a work task of the court. After the fourth revision of the Civil procedure Law of the people's Republic of China in 2007, the review procedure has finally obtained the legal status, from the internal procedure to the legal procedure, public procedure. It clearly stipulates that the application for retrial, which begins with the request of the party concerned, ends in the strict procedure of the people's court making the retrial, rejection or other ruling. Although the civil application retrial system is very important, it is only a trial supervision procedure outside the basic litigation system of the first and second instance. In 2012, the Civil procedure Law of the people's Republic of China was revised for the fifth time, and the provisions on the retrial of civil applications were greatly revised, although the system was refined. Strict in the procedure, but still did not correct its position in the civil proceedings. This year, the number of civil application retrial cases has remained high. The change in the number of civil application retrial cases accepted by courts at all levels in Gansu Province in the past five years is the best example. To some extent, this phenomenon is related to the establishment of civil application retrial system. This situation not only violates the original intention of application retrial system, but also endangers judicial credibility and res judicata. It is beneficial to the healthy and orderly development of civil litigation in China to make clear the malpractice and the primary and secondary tasks of the system of application for retrial, and to study the countermeasures and amendments. Starting from the trial practice of the application for retrial, this paper discusses the causes and countermeasures of the surge in the number of cases. The content includes three parts: first, an overview of the civil application retrial system; second, the problems and reasons of the civil application retrial system; third, the suggestions to perfect the civil application retrial system.


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1 翁英超;;和谐语境下我国民事再审制度的检讨与重构[J];福建法学;2007年02期

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4 周U,




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