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发布时间:2018-05-10 18:09

  本文选题:立案登记 + 起诉条件 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The implementation of civil filing registration system is the reconstruction of the right (force) relation included in the procedure of filing and accepting. The operation process of filing and accepting procedure is mainly embodied in the interaction between the court jurisdiction and the litigant's right of action. Scientifically delimiting the scope of operation of the above rights and clarifying the boundary between them is the foundation on which the system of filing and accepting can be perfected. With the introduction of the theory of balanced protection of the right of action and the theory of synergetic litigation mode, the boundary between the right of action and the right of response, the right of prosecution and the right of adjudication are divided respectively. The former is helpful to realize the equality of litigant rights in the stage of filing and accepting and the effective regulation of the abuse of the right of prosecution; the latter is helpful to realize the synergy between the two parties on the basis of full respect for the right of prosecution. On the basis of the investigation of China and the typical countries of civil law system and common law system (including Germany, Japan, the United States and the United Kingdom), the advantages and disadvantages of the present filing and accepting system in our country should be summarized. The shortcomings of the current system of filing and accepting should be improved from two aspects: the construction of the improved system and the rational application of the existing system. The former includes the relaxation of prosecution conditions and the construction of dissent system of case acceptance, while the latter includes the reasonable application of pretrial preparation procedure and alternative dispute resolution mechanism.


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