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发布时间:2018-05-18 13:42

  本文选题:量刑规范化 + 英美量刑制度 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:量刑的规范化研究与减少量刑偏和量刑失衡是世界各国追求刑法公正的共同方向。刑罚的本质特征是对被告人的财产、资格、自由乃至生命的限制或剥夺,是最为严厉的一种法律惩罚措施,因此刑罚权的行使被喻为生杀予夺之大事。 为了解决这一难题,寻求公正量刑的道路,,我国法学理论界与司法实践一直在进行不懈地探索,2010年我国最高人民法院推行了《最高人民法院量刑指导意见(试行)》,旨在“进一步规范刑罚裁量权,贯彻落实宽严相济的刑事政策,增强量刑的公开性,实现量刑均衡,维护司法公正。”刑法规范化改革取得了令人瞩目的成绩,当然也存在许多问题。如价值层面的缺陷,主要有重刑主义观念存在、刑法特殊预防功能减弱;也有实体层面的缺陷,如量刑基准确定方式不一、量刑情节不周全、量刑情节与调节比例不适当、刑种转换缺乏明确的依据等,在程序方面也有缺陷,如法官自由裁量权边界模糊、法院与检察院的量刑协调关系不适当等。
[Abstract]:The research on standardization of sentencing and the reduction of bias and imbalance of sentencing are the common directions for countries in the world to pursue the justice of criminal law. The essential characteristic of penalty is the restriction or deprivation of the defendant's property, qualification, freedom and even life, which is the most severe measure of legal punishment. Therefore, the exercise of penalty right is regarded as a matter of life and death. In order to solve this problem and seek a fair sentencing path, In 2010, the Supreme people's Court of our country carried out the "sentencing guidance opinion of the Supreme people's Court (trial)" in order to "further standardize the discretion of punishment." To implement the criminal policy of combining leniency with severity, to enhance the openness of sentencing, to achieve a balance in sentencing, and to safeguard judicial justice. " Standardization of criminal law reform has made remarkable achievements, of course, there are many problems. Such as the defects in value level, such as the existence of the concept of heavy punishment, the weakening of the special preventive function of criminal law, and the defects of the substantive level, such as different ways of determining sentencing criteria, inadequate circumstances of sentencing, inappropriate proportion of circumstances and adjustment of sentencing, There are also some defects in the procedure, such as the blur of the boundary of the judge's discretion, the inappropriate relationship between the court and the procuratorate in sentencing and so on.


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