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发布时间:2018-05-20 07:00

  本文选题:审查逮捕阶段 + 律师参与 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In 2012, the law of criminal procedure and the provisions of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on the protection of the rights of lawyers in accordance with the law in 2014 provide legal support and guarantee for lawyers to participate in the review and arrest procedures. Lawyers participate in the review and arrest procedure, which embodies the concept of judicial justice and judicial efficiency. The legislation has just started in China and the provisions are compared. There are some rules which have practical guiding significance and lack of maneuverability. Although some places have explored some ways for lawyers to participate in the review of arrest procedures, some results have been achieved. However, this new mechanism is still in the stage of trial water. The degree is related to the effective protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, the extent to which the degree of protection is related to the realization of judicial justice and judicial efficiency. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out in-depth and comprehensive investigation and analysis. On the basis of the investigation, we find that lawyers participate in the review of the arrest stage and analyze the reasons. According to this, some perfect suggestions are put forward in combination with the theory and practice to explore the operation mode of the lawyer's participation in the review and arrest procedure in our country. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this article includes four parts: the first part discusses the system of examining the lawyer participation in the arrest stage. The basic theory is to judge the theoretical value of lawyers' participation in the review and arrest stage from three aspects of procedural justice, substantive justice and judicial efficiency. First, lawyers participate in the review and arrest stage, increasing the transparency of the review and arrest procedure, and the arrest decision will be made in the way of seeing. Secondly, after the lawyer's participation, the procuratorial organ can listen and listen. In the end, after the lawyer's participation, the lawyer can help the procuratorate to discover the problems as soon as possible, improve the efficiency of the review, and avoid the start of the follow-up procedure, reduce the appeal, the number of cases of the petition, and avoid the waste of judicial resources. The second part uses the empirical research method to participate in the B District of C city and the lawyer of the grass-roots people's Procuratorate in the J district. Review the situation of the arrest stage in an all-round way. First, examine the overall situation of the participation of lawyers in the arrest stage, including the total number of cases involving lawyers, the way lawyers participate, the types of lawyers involved, the influence of lawyers' participation on the arrest system, the attitude of the prosecutor to the law teacher, and the practice of lawyers in the judicial practice. These six aspects. Through the investigation, it is found that the overall operation of the lawyer participation system is not very effective. Although the lawyer's participation in the case is widely used, the proportion of the cases is low, and the influence on the final arrest decision is small. In addition, some prosecutors and lawyers do not fully recognize the importance of the system, and do not support or be reluctant to introduce in advance. After entering the procedure, the system is to a certain extent. Then, the specific mode of the lawyer's participation in the review and arrest stage is examined. One is to listen to the lawyer's opinion pattern publicly, one is to refine the lawyer's opinion pattern. No matter which mode is taken, it is essential to listen to the lawyers' opinions. The third part is based on the empirical test. It was found that the lawyer's participation in the review of the arrest stage was mainly due to the low proportion of lawyers involved in the case, the difficulty in the intervention of legal aid, the little influence of the lawyer participation on the arrest results, the estrangement of the prosecutor and the lawyer, and the low quality of the lawyer's defense opinion. The reasons for the poor effect are as follows: first, the reasons for the participation of the main body. Some suspects do not believe in lawyers and do not want to entrust a lawyer; the public security organs, some of the staff of the procuratorial organs impede the exercise of the rights of lawyers and do not attach importance to lawyers' opinions; the lawyers are often reluctant to intervene early in the proceedings. Two is the mechanism. The reason. The lawyer's participation in the review and arrest procedure lacks a unified provision, does not specify the scope of the case of hearing the opinions of the lawyer, nor is it unifying, receiving, examining and handling procedures, and the subsequent relief procedures are missing and the overall operability is not strong. Three is the original cause of other aspects, including inadequate legal aid, and some lawyers are slack in the performance of their duties. The fourth part, according to the problems found in the investigation, puts forward the suggestions to improve the lawyer's participation in the review and arrest procedure. In view of the problems found in the investigation, the first step is to change the concept to improve the lawyer's intervention rate in the arrest stage. The lawyer should improve the consciousness of participation; the public should raise the legal consciousness to build a good judicial environment. Secondly, it is necessary to establish a lawyer's participation procedure, to listen to the scope of the lawyer's opinion, to establish and perfect the information, to hear, receive, review and handle, to feed back the procedure of reasoning, and to establish a certain relief mechanism to protect the lawyer from participating in the procedure. All these measures include strengthening the information exchange and connection between the public security organs, the procuratorial organs and the three lawyers, in order to guarantee the lawyer's timely intervention in the review and arrest procedure, to improve the legal aid system, to guarantee the criminal suspects to get the help of lawyers in time, to strengthen the rights of lawyers and to enhance their defense ability. At the same time, we must strengthen the supervision and restriction of lawyers' behaviors so as to ensure that lawyers perform their duties correctly.


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