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发布时间:2018-05-21 20:15

  本文选题:民事证据 + 失权 ; 参考:《黑龙江大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Evidence is the key to the success of litigation, and its importance should not be explained. Whether the litigants' claims can be supported by the court depends on the evidence owned by both parties. The system of evidence loss can guarantee the reasonable collection of evidence, the fairness of litigation procedure and the maintenance of litigation stability. At present, the system of loss of power of civil evidence in our country is not very mature, and many difficult problems in judicial practice can not be solved, resulting in the system of losing power of civil evidence in our country can not be applied well in trial practice. Not only the rights and interests of the parties can not be protected, but also the judicial staff hold a negative attitude towards the application of civil evidence loss in practice, which makes the system often idle and difficult to play its proper role. With regard to the dilemma faced by the civil evidence loss system in judicial practice, the article adopts the basic contents of the civil evidence loss system. The diachronic examination of the civil evidence loss system and the perfection of the civil evidence loss system explain the importance of the civil evidence loss system to the evidence system and the litigation procedure of our country.


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