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发布时间:2018-05-22 07:45

  本文选题:紧急仲裁员制度 + 紧急仲裁员价值 ; 参考:《太原科技大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Arbitration is one of the methods to solve disputes in modern society. With the development of society, a new system of emergency arbitrators is created. The predecessor of the international emergency arbitrators system was the umpire system created by the International Chamber of Commerce in the 1990s. In 2009, the International dispute Resolution Center began to formalize the emergency arbitrators system, and adopted an agreed exclusion model, which was introduced by other international arbitration institutions. China's Beijing Arbitration Commission, China Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission and Shanghai Arbitration Center also introduced the emergency arbitrators system in 2015, but the emergency arbitrators system just introduced is not yet fully mature. Hong Kong H Company v. K Company uses emergency arbitrators to facilitate the efficient settlement of disputes, and the absence of emergency arbitrators in the case of Company A v. College B in China leads to a relative delay in the settlement of disputes. The positive and negative contrast between the two cases reflects the efficiency of the emergency arbitrators system. Program preemption and compatibility features in respect of party autonomy, control of abuse of rights, equal protection of the value. The emergency arbitrators system in our country is compared with the emergency arbitrators system in other regions. The system of emergency arbitrators in our country is limited in issuing temporary protection, narrow in content of rights and insufficient in enforcement of awards. The corresponding suggestions are to construct dual preservation system, to expand the content of rights, to recognize the status of emergency arbitrators, and to give enforcement effect to the award, which provides reference and guidance for our country to further improve the system of emergency arbitrators.


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