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发布时间:2018-05-22 12:56

  本文选题:刑事制度 + 人权 ; 参考:《重庆社会科学》2017年11期

[Abstract]:The failure of criminal legal system is a major challenge in the construction of human rights rule of law. The malfunction of the criminal legal system is mainly manifested in the shelving of the criminal legal system, the restriction of the system and the speculative choice of the system. The reasons lie in the defects of the Noumenon system of the criminal system construction, the deviation between the assumption of human nature of the object and the operating environment of the system. The protection of human rights under the risk of the failure of the criminal legal system needs to make up for the defects of the system through judicial and legislative efforts, and also to promote the construction of the judiciary itself, and to enhance the judicial authority and public trust. At the same time, we should strengthen the principle of due process in the course of judicial trial, perfect the mechanism of excluding illegal evidence, advance the justice of trial, and protect human rights.
【作者单位】: 南京大学法学院;


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