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发布时间:2018-05-24 13:22

  本文选题:专家辅助人 + 诉讼地位 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着科学技术的日新月异,现代诉讼中涉及的专门性问题也与日俱增,诉讼当事人以及法官都会受到自身知识的局限,在面对这些专业性问题时显得束手无策从而难以作出正确的判断。为了解决这一问题,“专家”制度应运而生。目前在国际上相对成熟的专家制度主要是英美法系的专家证人制度、意大利的技术顾问制度以及日本和台湾地区诉讼辅助人制度。我国立法在不断总结、不断探索的基础上,依据基本国情立足现有法制体系创设了专家辅助人制度。“专家辅助人”这个概念并非法条直接规定,无论是我国民事诉讼法还是2015年最高院出台的民诉法解释都只是规定了 “有专门知识的人”,法学理论界和实务界将这种主要在诉讼中解决专门性问题的具有专门知识、技能或者经验的人称为“专家辅助人”。与证人、鉴定人和诉讼代理人等不同,专家辅助人是一类特殊的主体,旨在弥补法官、当事人因受自身知识的限制而不能对案件中的专业问题作出准确把握和判断。我国现行立法对该项制度的规定寥寥几个法条,无不增加其在司法实践中的操作难度,阻碍其应有功能的实现。因此,发展和完善我国现行专家辅助人制度任务紧迫。本文主要有以下四个部分。第一部分是基础理论部分,该部分通过对专家辅助人和几类相似概念的对比来理清概念,从而提炼出该制度的重要意义。第二部分对域外几种专家制度进行了考察和研究,虽然存在国情和诉讼模式等方面的诸多不同,但是仍然可以借鉴其先进的制度设计,总结出各个制度对我国专家辅助人制度的启示。第三部分总结了我国当前立法对专家辅助人制度的规定,并结合司法实践,提出目前该制度存在的诉讼地位不明确、参诉程序模糊等五个较为严重的问题。第四部分是本文的重点章节,笔者针对第三部分提出的问题——尝试进行解决,并大胆提出进行程序上具体设定的建议,以期对我国建立更加系统、更加完善的专家辅助人制度作出些许贡献。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and technology, the specialized problems involved in modern litigation are also increasing, the litigants and judges will be limited by their own knowledge. In the face of these professional problems appear helpless and difficult to make a correct judgment. In order to solve this problem, the "expert" system came into being. At present, the relatively mature expert system in the world is mainly the expert witness system in Anglo-American law system, the technical adviser system in Italy and the litigation assistant system in Japan and Taiwan. On the basis of summing up and exploring, our legislation has established the expert assistant system according to the basic national conditions and the existing legal system. The concept of "expert assistant" is not directly stipulated by the law. Whether it is the civil procedure law of our country or the interpretation of the civil action law issued by the Supreme Court in 2015, it only stipulates "the person with special knowledge." Legal theorists and practitioners refer to this kind of people with specialized knowledge, skills or experience as "expert auxiliaries", who mainly solve specialized problems in litigation. Different from witness, expert assistant and ad litem agent, expert assistant is a kind of special subject, which aims to make up for the judge, because the parties are limited by their own knowledge, they can not accurately grasp and judge the professional problems in the case. There are only a few regulations in the current legislation of our country, all of which increase the difficulty of its operation in judicial practice and hinder the realization of its proper function. Therefore, it is urgent to develop and perfect the current expert assistant system in our country. This paper mainly has the following four parts. The first part is the basic theory part, this part clarifies the concept by comparing the expert assistant person and several similar concepts, thus abstracts the important meaning of the system. The second part has carried on the investigation and the research to the extraterritorial several kinds of expert system. Although there are many differences in the aspects of national conditions and litigation modes, it can still draw lessons from its advanced system design. Summed up each system to our country expert assistant system enlightenment. The third part summarizes the provisions of the current legislation of our country on the expert assistant system, and combined with judicial practice, puts forward five more serious problems, such as unclear litigation status and vague procedure. The fourth part is the key chapter of this paper. The author tries to solve the problems raised in the third part, and boldly puts forward some specific suggestions on the procedure, in order to establish a more systematic system for our country. More perfect expert assistant person system makes a little contribution.


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