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发布时间:2018-05-24 21:55

  本文选题:检察机关 + 刑事被害人 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:全国人民代表大会2012年3月14日修改的《刑事诉讼法》(以下简称2012年《刑事诉讼法》)在条文中明确规定了尊重和保障人权,把尊重和保障人权提升到了一个前所未有的高度。然而,很长一段时间以来国内的学者们更关心的是如何保障犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的权利,对刑事被害人的权利保障却关注不多。不可否认的是,对刑事被害人进行有效的救助,无论是从贯彻司法为民的角度还是从给予刑事被害人实质公正的角度来看,都可谓是意义深远。在实践之中,一些地方的检察机关对刑事被害人救助作出了一些有益的探索与尝试,但是在具体的操作中仍然有一些不足之处。因此十分有必要在实地调研发现问题的基础上,有针对性地完善刑事被害人救助制度。 本文除前言和结语外,正文分为三部分,共二万余字。 第一部分,Z市检察机关刑事被害人救助工作的现状。首先,笔者对Z市检察机关开展刑事被害人救助总体情况进行了归纳,其中包含了2009年、2010年、2011年、2012年、2013年五年的情况,主要是对每年救助案件数,以及检察机关主动救助和被害人申请救助案件数之间的比例等数据进行了归纳。其次,Z市检察机关开展刑事被害人救助具体情况。在文章中,该情况笔者又分以下四个部分阐述:第一,救助的案件类别统计。为了分析问题方便笔者把Z市检察机关刑事被害人救助案件的案件类别分为纯粹涉人身犯罪、纯粹涉财产犯罪、既涉人身又涉财产的犯罪,并分别进行了归类统计。第二,救助案件的方式。方式中包括了现金救助、最低生活保障和办理残疾证以及其他救助等方式。第三,现金救助的标准。现金救助的标准普遍偏低。第四,救助的地域差别。救助的地域差别很大。 第二部分,Z市检察机关在刑事被害人救助工作中存在的问题。该部分主要是在第一部分调研数据的基础上提出了Z市检察机关在刑事被害人救助工作中存在的问题:首先,救助案件对象过窄且救助范围划分不细致,以致于影响了检察机关救助职能的发挥,影响了救助效果。其次,救助方式较为单一,以现金救助为主,缺少其他救助措施,救助效果不佳。再次,救助程序不明确,延长了救助时间,难以保障其公平性。第四,救助资金不足且缺乏保障,有限的救助资金相对于庞大的救助人群来说无异于杯水车薪,救助资金不足已经成为开展救助工作的瓶颈。 第三部分,完善检察机关刑事被害人救助制度的建议。该部分在针对上述第二部分发现问题的基础之上,有针对性的提出一些完善的建议。第一,确立救助原则,科学界定救助范围。比如,及时救助原则、合理救助原则、公平公正原则等都应当成为检察机关刑事被害人救助的基本原则。救助的范围也应当涵盖除刑事被害人之外的其他需要救助的人。第二,拓宽救助方式,展开多元化的救助。完善检察机关刑事被害人救助的程序。首先,明确刑事被害人救助的条件。其次,对刑事被害人救助的方式,改变以单一资金救助为主的方式。第三,,完善救助程序,确保救助及时有效。完善检察机关刑事被害人救助的流程,使流程的设计更加科学合理。第四,设置专项资金,充分保障检察机关刑事被害人救助的资金来源。
[Abstract]:The code of criminal procedure amended by the National People's Congress in March 14, 2012 (hereinafter referred to as the 2012 < Criminal Procedure Law >) clearly stipulates the respect and guarantee of human rights in the provisions, and the promotion of respect for and protection of human rights to an unprecedented level. However, for a long time, the scholars at home are more concerned about how to protect the crime. The rights of the suspects and the defendants are not much concerned about the rights of the criminal victims. It is undeniable that the effective assistance to the criminal victims is far-reaching. In practice, in practice, the procuratorial machines in some places. There are some useful explorations and attempts on the assistance of criminal victims, but there are still some shortcomings in the specific operation. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the system of criminal victim assistance on the basis of field investigation and investigation.
In addition to the preface and conclusion, the text is divided into three parts, with a total of 20000 words.
The first part is the present situation of the rescue work of the criminal victims of the Z municipal procuratorial organs. First, the author sums up the general situation of the rescue of the criminal victims of the procuratorial organs of the city of Z, including the situation in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013 for five years, mainly on the number of salvage cases per year, as well as the active assistance and victims of the procuratorial organs. The proportion of the number of cases for the application of the rescue cases is summarized. Secondly, the Z municipal procuratorial organs carry out the specific situation of the victim assistance. In the article, the author also divides the following four parts: first, the category statistics of the rescue cases. In order to analyze the problems, the criminal victims of the Z municipal procuratorial organs help the cases. The category of cases is divided into purely personal crimes, purely involving property crimes, involving crimes involving people and property, and classified statistics respectively. Second, the ways of rescuing cases include cash assistance, minimum living security and handling of disability certificates and other assistance. Third, the standard of cash assistance. The standard of cash assistance. It is generally low. Fourth, the geographical difference of relief. There is a great difference in the area of relief.
The second part, the problems existing in the rescue work of the criminal victims in the Z city. This part is mainly on the basis of the first part of the survey data, and puts forward the problems existing in the rescue work of the criminal victims of the municipal procuratorial organs of Z. First, the object of the rescue case is too narrow and the scope of the salvage is not meticulous, so that it affects the procuratorial work. The function of agency assistance has affected the effect of rescue. Secondly, the way of relief is relatively simple, with cash relief, lack of other assistance measures and poor effect. Again, the rescue procedure is not clear, the rescue time is prolonged, and it is difficult to guarantee its fairness. Fourth, the funds are insufficient and lack of security, limited aid funds relative to Pang. The large rescue population is nothing but a drop in the bucket. The lack of relief funds has become a bottleneck in the rescue work.
The third part, perfecting the proposal of the criminal victim assistance system of the procuratorial organs. On the basis of the above second parts, this part puts forward some perfect suggestions. First, establish the principle of salvation and scientifically define the scope of assistance. For example, the principle of timely assistance, the principle of reasonable assistance, the principle of fairness and justice, etc. When it becomes the basic principle of the assistance of the criminal victim of the procuratorial organ. The scope of the salvage should also cover other people in need of assistance except the criminal victims. Second, broaden the way of assistance, expand the pluralistic assistance and improve the procedure for the assistance of the criminal victims of the procuratorial organs. First, make clear the conditions for the assistance of the criminal victims. Secondly, to the punishment of the criminal victim. To change the way of victim assistance, change the way of single fund assistance. Third, improve the rescue procedure, ensure the timely and effective assistance, improve the process of the assistance of the criminal victims of the procuratorial organs, make the design of the process more scientific and reasonable. Fourth, set up special funds, and fully protect the source of funds for the assistance of the criminal victims of the procuratorial organs.


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