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发布时间:2018-05-27 08:12

  本文选题:委托代理理论 + 司法地方化 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In order to optimize the allocation of judicial power, our country has set up the circuit court of the Supreme People's court. However, how should the construction of the circuit court follow the theoretical presupposition? How does its function be located? How is the relationship with the Supreme People's court? How to prevent the circuit court from being deviated from the design of the system and how to ensure that the circuit court is true In accordance with the will of the Supreme People's court, the answer to this series of questions is about the scientific construction of the circuit court system and the benign operation of the circuit court. This article reviews the current tour of our country on the premise of positioning the relationship between the Supreme People's court and the circuit court as the principal agent relationship in the economic sense. On the basis of the experience and lessons learned from the British circuit court system, the paper puts forward some suggestions and suggestions to improve the system of the circuit court in China. The full text is divided into four parts, in addition to the introduction and conclusion: the first part, the relationship between the Supreme Court and the circuit court should be located. There is an uncongruent and asymmetric information between the agent and the agent. The agent may have the behavior of deviating from the principal's purpose, such as adverse selection and moral hazard. The task of the principal is to design the optimal contract to encourage and restrain the agent, so that the agent can maximize the purpose of realizing the principal from its own purpose. The Supreme Court and the circuit court should be the principal-agent relationship, the principal-agent problem can not be prevented and controlled. The second part, the functional deviation and the system dislocation of the circuit court system in China. The functional deviation of our circuit court system lies in the fact that the actual function of the current circuit court system deviates from the circuit court system in the functional desire. Positioning. The dislocation of the system of the circuit court of our country is concentrated on the shortcomings of the lack of incentive and lack of supervision in the design of the current system. In the third part, a brief analysis on the governance of the principal-agent problem of the British circuit court system. The experience of the British circuit court system for our circuit court system is mainly the way of governance of the trust mechanism, Restriction mechanism, competition is used as an incentive mode. The inspiration of the lesson is that the principal can not ignore the external influence factors of the principal agent relationship and prevent and control the agent's purpose conflict. The fourth part, the perfect approach of the circuit court system of our country. This part is guided by the principal-agent theory and the principal-agent problem prevention and control. On the basis of the experience and lessons learned from the British circuit court system, through the construction of incentive mechanisms such as material incentives, occupational security and reputation incentives, the strengthening of the supervision of the androgyny, the perfection of the supervision of the citizens, the standardization of media supervision, the perfect opinions and construction of the circuit court system in China have been put forward. Argumentative.


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