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发布时间:2018-05-27 09:05

  本文选题:小额诉讼 + 局限性 ; 参考:《上海交通大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:小额诉讼程序是指专门针对轻微小额案件设计的一种独立的诉讼程序,其目的不仅在于通过多元化途径促进纠纷解决以提高审判效率,更在于体现司法为民的理念。随着我国经济社会的高速发展,国人对司法的需求也日趋增加,有学者提议在我国法律体系中增设小额诉讼程序。2011年10月,民事诉讼法开始修改,当时在民诉法修正案(第一稿)中的简易程序篇内增设了“基层人民法院和它的派出法庭审理标的额人民币五千元以下的民事案件,实行一审终审”的条文,突破性地将小额诉讼写入了我国的法条之中。最终经过多方讨论,民诉法定稿时对小额诉讼程序的适用标准进行了调整。设立小额诉讼程序对我国司法体系来说是一个突破性的进展,但我们对此不能盲目乐观,因为新民诉法中仅对小额诉讼做了一条原则性的适用标准的规定,实践中仍有许多具体问题亟待明确,因此相对于其他早已设立小额诉讼程序的国家而言,我国的小额诉讼程序存在一定的局限性和制度缺失,如果我们不制定相关的配套措施,小额诉讼程序的设置很有可能将流于形式而无法达到国家预期设立该项程序的法律效果及社会效应。本文笔者试图在司法实践的基础上,结合世界各国的立法体例,,对我国设立小额诉讼程序时的制度缺失进行相应地论述,并提出一定的建议,力求完善我国的小额诉讼程序。 本文主要分为四个部分,第一部分主要阐述小额诉讼程序在我国的确立;第二部分主要阐述域外小额诉讼程序的立案标准和受理规则;第三部分主要论述小额诉讼程序在我国司法适用中的制度缺失;最后一部分就如何构建符合我国国情的小额诉讼程序提出相应的建议。
[Abstract]:Small claims procedure is a kind of independent litigation procedure designed specifically for minor small cases. Its purpose is not only to promote dispute resolution through multiple channels to improve trial efficiency, but also to embody the concept of justice for the people. With the rapid development of our country's economy and society, the Chinese people's demand for justice is also increasing day by day. Some scholars have proposed to establish a small amount of litigation procedure in our legal system. In October 2011, the Civil procedure Law began to be amended. At that time, in the section on summary procedures in the amendment to the Civil procedure Law (the first draft), a provision was added that "the grassroots people's court and its dispatched court shall hear civil cases of less than 5,000 yuan in the amount of the target, and carry out the final appeal of the first instance." A breakthrough will be written into the small-claims in our country in the law. Finally, after various discussions, the civil action law was finalized to adjust the applicable standards of small claims. The establishment of the small claims procedure is a breakthrough for the judicial system of our country, but we should not be blindly optimistic about this, because the new civil litigation law only makes a provision of a principled applicable standard for small claims. In practice, there are still many specific problems that need to be clarified. Therefore, compared with other countries that have already established small claims proceedings, there are some limitations and institutional deficiencies in our small claims proceedings, if we do not formulate relevant supporting measures, The setting of small claims procedure is likely to be formalized and unable to achieve the legal and social effects of the procedure expected by the state. On the basis of judicial practice, the author tries to make a corresponding exposition on the lack of the system when establishing the small claims procedure in our country, and puts forward some suggestions to perfect the small claims procedure in our country, combined with the legislation style of the countries all over the world. This article is mainly divided into four parts, the first part mainly expounds the establishment of small claims procedure in our country, the second part mainly expounds the standards of filing and accepting rules of foreign small claims procedure. The third part mainly discusses the system deficiency of the small claims procedure in the judicial application of our country; the last part puts forward the corresponding suggestions on how to construct the small claims procedure in accordance with the national conditions of our country.


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