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发布时间:2018-05-28 14:12

  本文选题:释明权 + 辩论主义 ; 参考:《宁波大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:法官释明权是大陆法系民事诉讼制度中的概念,在英美法系国家中亦有相对应的加强法官管理权的制度。其以当事人主义之核心——辩论主义为基础,,当初设立的原因,是由于当事人双方辩论能力存在差异应予以平衡,同时补正辩论主义下法官缺乏对诉讼的控制,预防和减少出现诉讼效率低下、诉讼费用上升等弊病,以保障实现法律所追求的两大价值——公正与效率。本文将通过运用法理学、比较法学等研究方式方法,分析法官释明权制度及其理论基础,并考察与借鉴国外的法官释明权理论及法律规范,结合我国国情和司法改革的进程,提出构建我国法官释明权制度的可能性与现实性。 本文共分为三部分: 第一部分:对法官释明权的概述。笔者将在考察国外法官释明权概念的基础上,对法官释明权的基本定义和概念进行阐述。由于在当事人主义下运行法官释明权,这是其与职权主义下的法官职权的显著区别。而要正确理解释明权,必须厘清与辩论主义,处分主义的关系,对释明权的对象、范围和运行的基础进行必要的研究。 第二部分:法官释明权的理论基础,分为理论依据和价值研究两块。一个制度的存在必须有相应的理论依据作为基础,笔者将选取诉讼理念演化理论和诉讼模式理论这两个角度来分析,阐述其存在的理论依据。并通过对法官释明权价值分析,阐述其三大价值:1、维护当事人诉讼地位的实质平等;2、有利于程序公正,防止突袭裁判;3、有利于提高诉讼效率和节约诉讼资源。 第三部分:针对我国法官释明权制度构建的现实情况,本文将提出在目前我国民事诉讼模式转变的过程中,建立健全法官释明权有其现实的必然要求与司法需求,并对其进行系统性的设想,包括释明权的立法范式,行使释明权的原则、行使范围、行使阶段和方式、相关法律效力、以及不当行使时的救济方式等,来对我国法官释明权制度进行设计。
[Abstract]:Judge's right of interpretation is a concept in the civil litigation system of civil law system, and there is a corresponding system to strengthen the judge's management power in the countries of common law system. It is based on argumentalism, which is the core of litigant doctrine. The reason for its establishment is that the differences in the ability of the parties to debate should be balanced, and the judges lack the control over the litigation under the doctrine of rectifying debate. To prevent and reduce the defects such as low efficiency of litigation and rising costs of litigation, so as to ensure the realization of the two values pursued by law-justice and efficiency. This paper will analyze the system and theoretical basis of judges' right of interpretation by using jurisprudence, comparative law and other research methods, and review and draw lessons from foreign theories and legal norms of judges' right of interpretation, combined with the national conditions of our country and the process of judicial reform. This paper puts forward the possibility and reality of constructing the system of the judge's right of interpretation in our country. This paper is divided into three parts: The first part: an overview of the judge's power of interpretation. On the basis of investigating the concept of judge's right of interpretation abroad, the author will expound the basic definition and concept of judge's right of interpretation. Because of the operation of the judge's power of interpretation under the party doctrine, this is the remarkable difference between it and the judge's power under the doctrine of authority. In order to correctly understand the right of interpretation, we must clarify the relationship with the doctrine of debate and disposition, and carry on the necessary research on the object, scope and the basis of operation of the right of interpretation. The second part: the theoretical basis of the judge's right of interpretation, which is divided into two parts: theoretical basis and value study. The existence of a system must be based on the corresponding theoretical basis. The author will choose the theory of evolution of litigation idea and the theory of litigation mode to analyze and explain the theoretical basis of its existence. By analyzing the value of the judge's right of interpretation, this paper expounds its three values: 1, maintains the substantive equality of the litigant's status, is advantageous to the procedural justice, prevents the raid on the judge, improves the litigation efficiency and saves the litigation resources. The third part: in view of the realistic situation of the construction of the system of the judge's interpretation right in our country, this article will propose that in the process of the transformation of the mode of civil action in our country, it is necessary and necessary to establish and perfect the judge's right of interpretation. And it carries on the systematic assumption, including the legislative paradigm of the right of interpretation, the principle of exercising the right of interpretation, the scope of exercise, the stage and mode of exercise, the relevant legal effect, and the relief method when the right of interpretation is improperly exercised, etc. To design the system of the right of interpretation of judges in our country.


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