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发布时间:2018-05-29 15:09

  本文选题:辩护权 + 刑事辩护准入制度 ; 参考:《中国社会科学院研究生院》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Recently, in the judicial reform of our country, the classification system of lawyers has been proposed again, which has caused great uproar in the field. I hold a negative attitude towards the classification system of lawyers. However, in the face of the poor quality of criminal defense in the field of criminal procedure in our country, in order to protect the legal rights and interests of the accused, it is necessary to establish a unified admission system of criminal defense. At present, the political, economic and legal environment of our country are all suitable to set up the criminal defense access system, and we can learn from the experience of other foreign countries on the criminal defense access system selectively. In order to improve the predicament of the poor quality of defense in the current criminal proceedings, China should improve the corresponding training mechanism, examination mechanism, exit mechanism and incentive mechanism while establishing the admission mechanism of the criminal defense. The system of access to criminal defense should be constructed into a scientific and systematic mechanism. Specific measures should be: legislating lawyers as the sole criminal defenders; establishing and establishing a system for assessing the qualifications of criminal defence lawyers; establishing a system of criminal defense charges with an incentive nature; the right to criminal defense must be capable of being connected with the power of criminal investigation, Procuratorial power counterbalance; perfect legal aid system; establish immunity system of criminal defense lawyer.


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