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发布时间:2018-05-31 17:22

  本文选题:物质性人格权 + 人权保障 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The protection of human rights in criminal law is an important part of human rights stipulated in the Constitution. It has the universality of human rights as well as its own particularity. In criminal proceedings, in order to ensure the effective form of public power of the state, the criminal suspect must take corresponding coercive measures, which may conflict with the human rights of the criminal suspect, such as necessary detention. In front of the public power of the state, the individual rights appear to be extremely small, but the citizens who have violated the criminal law are more vulnerable to the infringement of the public power of the state, but the basic rights of each person are inviolable, so in the criminal proceedings, Although a suspect is suspected of committing a crime, his basic human rights include life, health, body, freedom, dignity, property, residence, etc. However, due to various reasons, there are a large number of violations of the suspects' physical personality rights, such as hiding and hiding, drinking cold water, sleeping and so on, which urge us to face the fact that human rights have been violated. As the most basic content of human rights, the material personality right of criminal suspects is the first step of human rights protection. It mainly refers to the right to life, body and health. On the basis of summing up the criminal cases of human rights violation in judicial practice, this paper analyzes the phenomena and causes, finds out the shortcomings of the current criminal laws and regulations in our country, and on the premise of drawing lessons from the experience of foreign advanced systems, combines the reality of our country. In order to find out the perfect strategy.


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