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发布时间:2018-06-01 10:11

  本文选题:媒体舆论 + 法院独立行使审判权 ; 参考:《甘肃政法学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:To deal with the relationship between media public opinion and the independent trial of the court is the foundation of the construction of the rule of law in our country and the key link to realize the judicial justice. Citizens enjoy freedom of speech and their freedom of expression must rely on the platform of media, at which time the media hold the voice of public opinion and guide the trend of public opinion. Moreover, the media enjoy the freedom to report cases and to be open to the public. Their coverage of judicial trials is a manifestation of the media exercising supervision by public opinion, and media public opinion plays an active role in the supervision of judicial activities. However, the supervision of media and public opinion has a lot of negative effects on the court trial at the same time. The media wantonly propagandized the facts of the case without verification, making those false, one-sided and tendentiousness statements, affecting the correct direction of public opinion, triggering the pursuit of public opinion, leading to the generation of large-scale biased public opinion, and exerting pressure on the court. Interfering with the independent trial of the court not only damages the interests of the parties, but also is not conducive to the establishment of judicial authority and the realization of judicial justice. Therefore, in the future judicial trial in China, to prevent media opinion from interfering with the independent trial of the court and to alleviate the pressure of the court trial, our country can learn from the overseas mature practical experience. To find a way for the harmonious development of media opinion and independent trial in accordance with the national conditions of our country, and to deal with the relationship between the two will be the key issue discussed in this paper. It is hoped that this paper can provide some rough suggestions for the solution of this problem. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part introduces the media public opinion and the basic theory of judicial trial, expounds the connotation and special legal function of media public opinion, the independent exercise of court jurisdiction and the relevant contents of open trial system. Then it analyzes the relationship between the two, the supervision process of the media public opinion to the judicial trial, the response of the court to the supervision of the media public opinion, and how to regulate the behavior of the media public opinion to supervise the judicial trial in the legal level. Secondly, it analyzes the influence of media public opinion on judicial trial in China, from both positive and negative aspects. Finally, the paper discusses the reasons of the negative influence of media opinion on the court trial. In the second part, the author analyzes the current situation of the legislation of judicial trial influenced by media public opinion, and then finds out the existing problems, mainly from three aspects: legislation, court and media. The third part mainly introduces how to deal with the relationship between the media opinion and the independent trial of the court in the international standards and the extraterritorial laws. By analyzing the differences between the countries of the civil law system and the countries of the common law system, the author puts forward the experience of our country in dealing with the relationship between the two. The fourth part starts with the court and the media, and finds a solution to the harmonious development of the media opinion and the court independent trial.


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