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发布时间:2018-06-03 18:13

  本文选题:提审制 + 层级结构 ; 参考:《法学论坛》2014年01期

[Abstract]:Arraignment is a mechanism in the judicial system in which a higher court initiates a trial of a case under the jurisdiction or closure of a lower court, which typically deduces a Chinese-style relationship between the superior and the subordinate in the court's trial business. In Chinese context, the theories and foundations of the system of arraignment are mainly the hierarchical structure of the judicial system, the authority and correctness of the higher court, the judicial duty of the whole gatekeeper, the view of entity truth and the demonstration effect, the judicial view of prudence and efficiency. Due to the defects of internal mechanism and the interference of negative factors in practice, the arraignment system brings negative effects, which leads to the abnormal operation of the judiciary and affects the procedural rights and interests of the parties and the independence and authority of the judicial system. There are some tendencies in the operation of the current system of arraignment, rationality and malady coexist, and the practice effect is not good. However, the overall institutional environment and the value foundation have not changed substantially at the present stage, it is unlikely to be abolished, but it needs to be improved urgently. Moreover, in the long run, the system faces challenges that directly touch the foundations of legitimacy, pathology and harm far outweigh the benefits of existence and should be abolished in the future. And we should take this to reconstruct the systematized court trial business relationship which respects the law of judicature in our country.
【作者单位】: 中山大学法学院;
【基金】:教育部人文社会科学研究基金项目《制度变迁的本土实践及其方法论》(BYJC820082) 广东省哲学社会科学规划项目《变革社会的程序理想》(09G-12)的阶段性成果


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