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发布时间:2018-06-04 16:49

  本文选题:公诉案件 + 刑事和解 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:在宽严相济刑事司法政策的背景之下,一种通过被害人与加害人之间的协商,由加害人给予被害人赔偿、恢复被破坏的社会关系,并因此对加害人进行从宽处理的刑事和解制度应运而生。伴随着传统刑事司法理论上的困境,刑事和解制度自产生以来就作为一种全新的刑事冲突应对模式而存在。刑事和解既能够帮助犯罪人确立新的生活态度与行为模式,使其重新回归社会;又能够帮助被害人恢复损害,重建其安全感。作为一种新型的纠纷解决机制,刑事和解制度自20世纪70年代以来已经被许多国家采纳并应用于刑事案件中。近年来,随着我国司法改革的不断推进,越来越多的地方对刑事和解进行了一些积极的、有意义的探索。正是基于刑事和解制度的本身价值和多年来司法实践经验的总结,我国在2012年新修订的《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》(以下简称新《刑事诉讼法》)中正式规定了刑事和解制度,赋予其合法地位。这标志着我国的法治进程迈向了更加注重人权保障的重要一步。然而,新《刑事诉讼法》对于刑事和解的适用只是刚刚开始,司法实践中仍然存在着很多模糊不明确的问题需要我们继续探索。 本文共分为四个部分,主要运用理论分析、文献分析、比较分析的方法就我国公诉案件的刑事和解制度进行探讨。第一部分着重介绍了刑事和解制度的基本理论,在明确了刑事和解的含义、性质及特征的基础之上,针对刑事和解的理论基础进行分析,从而为刑事和解的司法实践提供理论上的依托。第二部分主要介绍刑事和解制度在大陆法系和英美法系国家的发展概况,通过对比西方国家的发展概况进而分析总结出西方刑事和解制度的主要特点与启示,以期为我国刑事和解的理论与实践提供参考和借鉴。第三部分是着重论述了我国公诉案件当事人和解的立法现状及存在问题。通过对我国新《刑事诉讼法》的深入解读,我们不难发现我国的刑事和解制度仍然存在需要完善的一些地方。第四部分针对如何完善我国公诉案件的刑事和解制度,笔者提出了四个方面的建议,包括确立刑事和解的基本原则、进一步完善刑事和解的法律规定、健全刑事和解的法律监督机制和完善相关的配套制度建设,以期为进一步完善我国的刑事和解制度提供有益参考。
[Abstract]:In the context of the criminal justice policy of combining leniency and severity, a kind of social relationship that is restored through consultation between the victim and the perpetrator, where the victim is compensated by the perpetrator, Therefore, the lenient criminal reconciliation system emerges as the times require. With the dilemma of the traditional criminal justice theory, the criminal reconciliation system has existed as a new criminal conflict response model since its emergence. Criminal reconciliation can not only help the offender establish a new life attitude and behavior pattern, but also help the victim to recover the damage and rebuild his sense of security. As a new type of dispute settlement mechanism, criminal reconciliation system has been adopted and applied in many countries since 1970s. In recent years, with the continuous promotion of judicial reform in China, more and more places have carried out some positive and meaningful exploration on criminal reconciliation. It is based on the value of the criminal reconciliation system and the summary of judicial practice for many years, our country formally stipulated the criminal reconciliation system in the newly revised Criminal procedure Law of the people's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the New Criminal procedure Law) in 2012. Give him legal status. This marks an important step in the process of our country's rule of law towards paying more attention to the protection of human rights. However, the application of the new Criminal procedure Law to the criminal reconciliation is just beginning, and there are still many vague and ambiguous problems in the judicial practice that need us to continue to explore. This article is divided into four parts, mainly using the methods of theoretical analysis, literature analysis and comparative analysis to discuss the criminal reconciliation system of public prosecution cases in China. The first part mainly introduces the basic theory of the criminal reconciliation system. On the basis of defining the meaning, nature and characteristics of the criminal reconciliation, it analyzes the theoretical basis of the criminal reconciliation. Thus provides the theoretical support for the judicial practice of criminal reconciliation. The second part mainly introduces the development of the criminal reconciliation system in the continental law system and the common law system countries, and then analyzes and summarizes the main characteristics and enlightenment of the western criminal reconciliation system by comparing the development general situation of the western countries. In order to provide reference for the theory and practice of criminal reconciliation in China. The third part focuses on the legislative status and existing problems of party reconciliation in public prosecution cases in China. Through the thorough interpretation of the new Criminal procedure Law of our country, it is not difficult to find out that there are still some places that need to be perfected in the criminal reconciliation system of our country. In the fourth part, the author puts forward four suggestions on how to perfect the criminal reconciliation system of public prosecution cases in our country, including establishing the basic principles of criminal reconciliation and further perfecting the legal provisions of criminal reconciliation. Improve the legal supervision mechanism of criminal reconciliation and improve the relevant supporting system construction, in order to further improve the criminal reconciliation system in China to provide a useful reference.


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