本文选题:法院人员 + 分类管理 ; 参考:《政治与法律》2017年01期
[Abstract]:With the start of a new round of judicial system reform, the reform of classified management of court personnel can be divided into two stages: the leading of the Supreme people's Court and the leading of the central government, and the reform of the second stage pays more attention to the top-level design. However, no matter who leads the reform, we must pay attention to solving the five difficult problems of reform, that is, how to establish the objectives of the classification reform, how to classify, how to determine the proportion of different categories of personnel. How to manage according to classification and how to maintain classification management. At the same time, to determine the order of the above-mentioned problems is also related to the success or failure of classified management reform. The current reform of the system of judges as a breakthrough is not very appropriate. The professional characteristics of the different posts of the Court should be studied on the basis of clear objectives for the reform of classified management, and on this basis the legal categories and functions of judicial personnel should be clearly defined in the reform document, and then, according to different matching conditions, in different regions, The different levels of courts are piloting to determine the best proportion among the different categories of personnel; while the proportion of personnel is being piloted, the study and construction of the judicial personnel appraisal system and the guarantee system are initiated; finally, Determine a period of transition period, and gradually implement the classification on paper into practice.
【作者单位】: 中国法学会;
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