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发布时间:2018-06-05 05:17

  本文选题:市场经济 + 消费纠纷 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:在当今社会中消费行为是不可或缺的一部分,同时也是经济社会发展中的重要环节之一,良好的消费环境和科学的消费制度不仅可以给消费者带来愉悦的消费体验,同时也是市场健康发展的必备前提。然而随着市场经济的不断发展,消费品的种类日益丰富,消费者对商品和相关服务的需求也越来越高,,伴随而来的消费纠纷也日益增多,消费纠纷不仅影响市场的正常发展,也是社会稳定的一大隐患,解决消费纠纷势在必行。 本文通过对比分析河南省内外消费纠纷的现状,分析河南省目前化解消费纠纷的现状和存在的问题,剖析产生这些问题的原因,并针对这些原因提出一些改革和完善化解消费纠纷的建议和设想。
[Abstract]:In today's society, consumer behavior is an indispensable part, but also one of the important links in the economic and social development. A good consumption environment and a scientific consumption system can not only bring a pleasant consumer experience to consumers. At the same time is also a necessary prerequisite for the healthy development of the market. However, with the continuous development of the market economy, the variety of consumer goods is increasingly rich, the consumer demand for goods and related services is also increasing, and the accompanying consumer disputes are also increasing. Consumer disputes not only affect the normal development of the market. Is also a hidden danger of social stability, the solution of consumer disputes is imperative. By comparing and analyzing the current situation of consumption disputes in and out of Henan Province, this paper analyzes the present situation and existing problems of resolving consumption disputes in Henan Province, and analyzes the reasons for these problems. In view of these reasons, some suggestions and ideas are put forward to reform and perfect the resolution of consumption disputes.


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