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发布时间:2018-06-07 19:49

  本文选题:意大利 + 商业诉讼 ; 参考:《甘肃政法学院学报》2013年02期

[Abstract]:The Italian Code of Civil procedure (Amendment), which came into force on January 1, 2004, provides for commercial procedure, which makes an important change in Italy's civil justice picture. This change can accelerate the judicial process to a certain extent and strengthen the court's management and trial of civil and commercial cases. This paper examines the background, application scope and main characteristics of the Italian commercial procedure, and analyzes the concrete operation and effect of the guiding stage, the evidence gathering stage and the ruling stage of the commercial litigation procedure in Italy. This paper holds that commercial litigation is especially suitable for solving company and commercial disputes. After all, civil litigation is based on the rights of the parties, and the starting point of resolving company and commercial disputes is the interests of the parties. Because the economic interests are often the fundamental interests of the parties concerned. The article also introduces and comments on the Italian commercial litigation, which is believed to be beneficial to the development of civil litigation and the improvement of the efficiency of civil and commercial trials in China.
【作者单位】: 西南政法大学;


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