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发布时间:2018-06-08 04:13

  本文选题:第三人撤销之诉 + 案外第三人 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:民事诉讼通常只是围绕原被告双方展开,法院判决的效力也是仅局限在当事人之间。但是在一些情况下,法院的裁判也会对案外第三人产生影响,损害其合法利益。由此可见,在现有制度下,案外第三人的权益还没有得到全面的保护。我们还应该在如何保护第三人的问题上进行新的探索。 正是为了解决上述问题,从而更好的保护好案外第三人的合法权益,在新修改的《民事诉讼法》中,我们引入了第三人撤销之诉这一制度。第三人撤销之诉的核心是在于案外第三人通过提起撤销之诉,以期通过新的法院判决来消解原判对自身的侵害。 本文着力从诉的角度对第三人撤销之诉进行分析和研究,由此厘清第三人撤销之诉的主体、客体及程序的相关特征与独特之处。通过这样抽丝剥茧的梳理,可以更加深刻的了解第三人撤销之诉,更加适当的在实务中进行操作。笔者通过对现有立法不足之处的阐述和分析,从诉讼理论的层面对第三人撤销之诉进行分析,以期可以为立法提供参考,对司法实践给予回应。 在主体方面,结合法国、台湾地区的立法情况,我国第三人撤销之诉应当把原告界定为案外第三人。案外是指原审案件没有将其列为第三人。第三人是指原告具备前诉第三人的资格。被告应当确定为前诉的原、被告为共同被告。 在客体方面,给出的立法建议分为以下几个方面。首先,对于可撤销的法律文书应当进一步细化,不是所有判决和裁定都适用于第三人撤销之诉。如,对于裁定,一般都是针对程序而不涉及实体,故应当将可撤销的裁定限定在对实体结果产生影响的情况。其次,将原判的撤销范围限定在原审范围和原告提出的范围。最后,并不是所有类型的案件都可适用第三人撤销之诉。如,有关身份关系的案件,,有关公司程序的诉讼等案件。 在程序方面,在立法空白的情况下,我们可以适当借鉴法国和台湾地区的立法。首先,应当确立第三人撤销之诉的诉前审查程序。其次,只能适用普通程序来审理第三人撤销之诉。再次,对第三人撤销之诉应当适用两审终审,给当事人上诉的权利。最后,第三人撤销之诉的判决应当对原审判决的效力给予明确。
[Abstract]:Civil action usually revolves around both sides of the original defendant, and the validity of the court decision is limited between the parties. But in some cases, the court's decision can also affect the third person outside the case, damaging their legitimate interests. Thus, under the existing system, the rights and interests of third parties outside the case have not been fully protected. We should also make a new exploration on how to protect the third party. It is precisely in order to solve the above problems and to better protect the legitimate rights and interests of the third person outside the case, in the newly amended Civil procedure Law, We have introduced the system of third party revocation. The core of the third party's action of revocation is that the third party in the case brings the suit of revocation in order to resolve the original judgment's infringement on itself through the new court judgment. This article focuses on the analysis and research of the third party's revocation of the action from the angle of litigation. It clarifies the characteristics and uniqueness of the subject, object and procedure of the third party's revocation. Through this sort of cocoon, we can deeply understand the third party to withdraw the action, more appropriate in practice to operate. By expounding and analyzing the deficiency of the existing legislation, the author analyzes the action of the third party's revocation from the angle of litigation theory, in order to provide reference for the legislation and respond to the judicial practice. In Taiwan, the third party should define the plaintiff as the third party. Outside the case refers to the original trial case is not listed as a third person. The third party means that the plaintiff has the qualification of the former suit against the third party. The defendant should be the original of the former suit, and the defendant is the co-defendant. In the object aspect, the legislative suggestions are divided into the following aspects. First, revocable legal instruments should be further refined, and not all judgments and orders apply to third party revocations. For example, in the case of an award, which is generally procedural and does not involve an entity, a revocable decision should be limited to a situation that has an impact on the entity's outcome. Secondly, the scope of annulment of the original judgment is limited to the scope of the original trial and the scope proposed by the plaintiff. Finally, not all types of cases are subject to third party revocation. For example, cases related to identity relations, litigation of company procedures, and so on. In terms of procedure, in the absence of legislation, we can appropriately learn from the legislation of France and Taiwan. First of all, we should establish the pre-action review procedure of the third party's revocation. Secondly, only ordinary procedure can be applied to hear the third party's revocation action. Thirdly, the second instance should be applied to the third party's right of appeal. Finally, the judgment of the third party's annulment should make clear the validity of the original judgment.


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