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发布时间:2018-06-08 19:54

  本文选题:刑事证据 + 印证规则 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Evidence is the basis of litigation, without evidence, can not identify the facts of the case, can not determine the facts of the case. The development of evidence can not be separated from the rules of evidence. The rules of evidence restrict the admissibility and the power of proof and unify the standard of evidence application to help to find out the facts at the same time. Mutual confirmation of evidence has always been a common method used in the process of criminal judicial proof in our country. In 2012, the interpretation of the Supreme people's Court on the Application of Criminal procedure Law set up the requirement of proof as proof and the evidence to achieve proof through mutual confirmation. Clear standard rules of proof, It is a rule that the evidence can confirm each other from the commonly used method in practice to adopt a single evidence and determine the facts of a case according to the indirect evidence. However, the study of "confirmation" is still focused on the analysis of "verification mode", and the research on concrete verification rules is less. As a widely used confirmation rule in judicial practice, there are many contents worth studying in the process of its application. This paper clarifies the relationship between the verification rules and the verification model, and clarifies the concrete contents of the verification rules through the definition of the verification rules. It is easy to have a clearer understanding of the corroboration rule by comparing it with the rule of confession reinforcement and the principle of free heart-proof. As an effective judicial practice experience, evidence follows the law of existence of things and cognition of litigation, and conforms to the judicial practice of our country, so it is established as the confirmation rule. However, in practice, there are still cases where the application of the verification rules results in unjust and false cases, which reflects on the problems in the operation process. It can be concluded that the limitation of evidence ability is ignored before verification, the formalization in the process of verification rules is used, and the innocent evidence is not attached importance to, and there is a lack of reasoning for the formation of proof after the application. In view of these problems, the author puts forward his own views on the normative application of the corroboration rules in practice: the examination of the qualification of the admission of evidence before verification rather than the direct adoption of the evidence of the prosecution, the essence of the process of the application of the verification rules; Pay full attention to the defense's innocent evidence to protect the defense's right to pledge and strengthen the reasoning link of the judgment document. It is hoped that the normative application of the corroboration rules can help us to adopt evidence clearly and identify the facts of the case accurately in order to realize judicial justice.


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