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发布时间:2018-06-10 00:11

  本文选题:示范性诉讼 + 代表人诉讼 ; 参考:《中国社会科学院研究生院》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:当前我国的群体性纠纷正处于多发的趋势,如何有效解决群体性纠纷一直是学界关注的热点。根据民事诉讼法的相关规定,我国解决群体性纠纷的制度是代表人诉讼制度,但由于代表人诉讼制度的诸多缺陷,当前基本上处于闲置状态。 在国外,已有示范性诉讼的相关立法,我国近些年的司法实践中也大量运用了类似于国外示范性诉讼的方式来解决群体性纠纷,但无论是实务界还是理论界,都没有与示范性诉讼相关的系统研究,特别是如何构建示范性诉讼程序。因此本文从群体性纠纷解决机制着手,具体分析、阐述了示范性诉讼在我国的表现形式、制度价值、构成要件和具体的程序构建。全文共分为五部分: 第一部分为群体性纠纷解决机制。该部分对大陆法系的德国和日本解决群体性纠纷的机制进行了梳理,,并比较了德国示范性诉讼与日本选定当事人制度,并对我国代表人诉讼制度的适用现状、缺陷进行了评价。 第二部分是示范性诉讼在我国司法实践中的表现形式。示范性诉讼在我国司法实践中具体表现为单独立案,合并审理;单独立案,分案审理;合并起诉,分案审理这三种形式。 第三部分是关于示范性诉讼的制度价值分析。概括了示范性诉讼的四大价值,即促进诉讼效率的提高、发挥法的公益性功能,促进纠纷的多元化解决以及弥补我国代表人诉讼制度的缺位。 在第四部分,笔者首次提出了示范性诉讼的要件。包括:案件的数量为10件及以上;具有共通的争点;诉讼标的为同一种类。另外指出具有共同的被告并非示范性诉讼的要件。 第五部分为示范性诉讼的程序构建。具体的示范性诉讼包括三个阶段,即示范性案件的产生阶段,这一阶段包括示范性诉讼的启动、管辖、公告、登记、示范性案件的遴选等程序;示范性案件的续行阶段,包括示范性诉讼的审前准备程序、示范原告的权利及限制、参与登记权利人的权益保障、示范性诉讼的审理程序及示范性诉讼费用的负担;第三阶段是示范判决效力的扩张阶段。
[Abstract]:At present, the group disputes in our country are in the trend of frequent, how to effectively solve the group disputes has been a hot spot of academic attention. According to the relevant provisions of the Civil procedure Law, the system of resolving group disputes in our country is the representative litigation system, but because of the defects of the representative litigation system, it is basically idle at present. There has been legislation on model litigation, and in our judicial practice in recent years, a large number of methods similar to those of foreign exemplary litigation have been used to solve group disputes, but no matter in practice or in theory, There is no systematic research on the model litigation, especially how to construct the model litigation procedure. Therefore, this paper starts with the mechanism of resolving group disputes, analyzes concretely the manifestation, system value, constitutive elements and concrete procedure construction of model litigation in our country. The paper is divided into five parts: the first part is group dispute resolution mechanism. This part combs the mechanism of solving group disputes between Germany and Japan in the continental law system, and compares the model litigation in Germany with the system of selected parties in Japan, and the current situation of the application of representative litigation system in China. The second part is the manifestation of model litigation in our judicial practice. In the judicial practice of our country, the demonstration litigation is embodied in the following three forms: separate case filing, joint trial; separate case filing; joint prosecution; case divided trial. The third part is the analysis of the system value of the model action. This paper summarizes the four values of exemplary litigation, that is, promoting the improvement of litigation efficiency, giving play to the public welfare function of law, promoting the diversification of dispute resolution and making up for the absence of representative litigation system in our country. For the first time, the author puts forward the elements of exemplary litigation. Including: the number of cases and more than 10; has a common point of contention; the subject matter of the same kind of litigation. In addition, the author points out that a common defendant is not an important element of model litigation. The fifth part is the procedure construction of model litigation. The concrete demonstration lawsuit includes three stages, that is, the generation stage of the demonstration case, which includes the procedure of starting the model lawsuit, jurisdiction, announcement, registration, selection of the model case, and the continuation stage of the model case. Including the pre-trial preparation procedure of the model litigation, the rights and limitations of the demonstration plaintiff, the protection of the rights and interests of the registered right holder, the trial procedure of the model lawsuit and the burden of the expenses of the demonstration lawsuit; The third stage is the expansion of the validity of the model judgment.


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