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发布时间:2018-06-10 11:39

  本文选题:执行和解 + 和解协议 ; 参考:《江西财经大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The civil enforcement reconciliation system is a very important and characteristic system of civil enforcement procedure in China. The enforcement court and the parties often encounter the enforcement settlement procedure in the enforcement procedure. The enforcement and reconciliation system occupies an extremely important position in the execution procedure, and its positive significance to the enforcement work can not be denied. In the current implementation practice of courts at all levels throughout the country, the system of enforcement and reconciliation can be effectively alleviated, resolving most of the contradictions that have entered the enforcement procedure, and playing a positive and obvious role in the execution of more and less court cases, as well as in clearing up the backlog cases. It plays a positive role in solving the difficulties of implementation, and is of great significance to the construction of a harmonious society, and it also greatly promotes the healthy and orderly development of social economy. However, after all, the market economy in our country has been developing for a relatively short time, the corresponding rules for standardizing the economic and social sectors have not been very perfect, and the provisions of laws, regulations, and judicial interpretations such as the people's lawsuit Law on the implementation of reconciliation are almost principled. But to this aspect concrete rule carries on the norm very few, the execution court or the party often does not know what to do in the concrete procedure, in addition no matter in the system theory or the concrete operation way still has many imperfections, at the same time, There are no relevant practical theories for reference in the course of judicial practice. The practice mode of execution court in China is quite different, which directly leads to the deep misunderstanding of civil enforcement reconciliation in the whole society. It is considered that the civil enforcement reconciliation system has no obvious positive effect, but only a false representation, which only damages the rights and interests of the parties, and does not see any other effects. Therefore, we should consider how to establish a perfect theoretical framework for the implementation of reconciliation practice, and find out a more efficient system model through the practice of enforcement. In order to promote the civil enforcement reconciliation system function in the enforcement procedure more fully play, it is urgent. The author tries to briefly frame the different types of enforcement reconciliation from the concept, characteristics, nature and effectiveness of the civil enforcement reconciliation theory, and discusses the practical significance of the enforcement reconciliation system. On the basis of the analysis of the civil enforcement reconciliation clause of the current laws and regulations of our country, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the current legislation and the difficulties in judicial practice caused by it. Finally, From the angle of the civil enforcement reconciliation of the relevant legal interpretation, the author discusses how to scientifically establish the positive function that the executive court should play in this procedure, combined with the practice of enforcing the law in the whole country, and how to establish scientifically the positive function that the executive court should play in this procedure. The corresponding suggestions are put forward.


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