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发布时间:2018-06-10 14:38

  本文选题:精神病人犯罪 + 强制医疗 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,在我国经济的飞速发展下,社会生活节奏不断加快,人们工作、生活的竞争压力也随之增大,在各种压力的刺激下我国精神疾病的患病率也在急剧增长。现实生活中,精神疾病患者杀人、伤人触犯刑法的案件时有发生,精神病人肇事肇祸已严重影响到人们正常的工作、生活和社会秩序的稳定。 对于实施刑法所禁止的伤害行为的精神病人应该如何处置,我国刑法第十八条做出了实行强制医疗的原则性规定。但是由于规定太过笼统,并且缺失相应的刑事强制医疗程序,使得精神病人刑事强制医疗在司法实践中很难操作。2012年新《刑事诉讼法》特别程序第四章设立“依法不负刑事责任能力的精神病人的强制医疗程序”,从强制医疗程序的适用对象、适用条件、审前程序、审判程序、执行程序等方面初步构建了精神病人刑事强制医疗程序,对刑事强制医疗的实施具有重大的意义。但是由于初次立法,程序设置上难免会有一些不足之处。虽然我国最高人民法院和最高人民检察院已经对该程序进行了相关的司法解释,但是解释中仍有缺漏之处。因此,有必要对精神病人的刑事强制医疗程序进行立法分析和理论研究,从而保障刑事强制医疗措施能够得到正确的实施,实现保障精神病人人权和社会防卫的目的。 本文将强制医疗程序限定为精神病人的刑事强制医疗程序,与没有触犯刑法的精神病人的强制医疗程序和患有性病的卖淫、嫖娼人员的强制医疗程序区别开来。并通过语义分析法、比较分析法对刑事强制医疗程序的含义、性质进行分析、界定,把刑事强制医疗措施与刑事强制措施加以区分。通过价值分析法,对精神病人刑事强制医疗程序人权保障和社会防卫的功能加以分析。本文主要是运用法规分析法对我国现有的精神病人刑事强制医疗法律规定——《刑法》第18条、《刑事诉讼法》第284-289条规定及最高院司法解释进行分析、研究,通过对精神病人刑事强制医疗程序的启动程序、审理程序、救济程序、执行、监督等方面的分析,找出我国现有立法规定中仍然存在的问题和不足,进而针对问题和不足提出解决相关问题的措施和建议。此外,在提出解决措施的过程中借鉴域外国家强制医疗程序先进的立法经验,借此取长补短,,以促进我国精神病人刑事强制医疗程序能够更加地完善。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of economy in our country, the pace of social life is accelerating, the competitive pressure of people working and living is also increasing, and the prevalence rate of mental illness is also increasing rapidly under the stimulation of various pressures. In real life, the cases of mental illness patients killing people and wounding people in violation of the criminal law occur from time to time. The accident caused by mental patients has seriously affected people's normal work. As to how to deal with the mental patients who carry out the injurious behavior prohibited by the criminal law, Article 18 of the Criminal Law of our country has made the principle stipulation of carrying out the compulsory medical treatment. However, because the provisions are too general and the corresponding criminal compulsory medical procedures are missing, Chapter IV of the 2012 special procedure of the new Criminal procedure Law establishes "compulsory medical procedures for mental patients who are legally incapable of criminal responsibility." This paper constructs the compulsory criminal medical procedure for mental patients from the aspects of the applicable object, applicable conditions, pretrial procedure, trial procedure and execution procedure of compulsory medical procedure, which is of great significance to the implementation of compulsory medical treatment in criminal cases. However, due to the initial legislation, the procedures will inevitably have some shortcomings. Although the Supreme people's Court and the Supreme people's Procuratorate have made relevant judicial interpretations of the procedure, there are still some deficiencies in the interpretation. Therefore, it is necessary to carry on the legislative analysis and the theoretical research to the criminal compulsory medical procedure of the mental patient, so as to ensure that the criminal compulsory medical treatment measures can be carried out correctly. In this paper, the compulsory medical procedure is limited to the criminal compulsory medical procedure of the mental patient, the compulsory medical procedure of the mental patient who has not violated the criminal law and the prostitution of the venereal disease. Compulsory medical procedures for prostitutes are distinguished. Through semantic analysis and comparative analysis, this paper analyzes and defines the meaning and nature of criminal compulsory medical procedure, and distinguishes the criminal compulsory medical measure from the criminal compulsory medical procedure. Through value analysis, this paper analyzes the function of human rights protection and social defense in the criminal compulsory medical procedure of mental patients. This article mainly uses the law analysis method to analyze the existing criminal compulsory medical treatment of mental patients in our country-Article 18 of the Criminal Law, the provisions of Article 284-289 of the Criminal procedure Law and the judicial interpretation of the Supreme Court. Through the analysis of the starting procedure, trial procedure, relief procedure, execution, supervision and other aspects of the criminal compulsory medical procedure for mental patients, we find out the problems and deficiencies still existing in the existing legislative provisions of our country. Furthermore, the measures and suggestions to solve the related problems are put forward in view of the problems and deficiencies. In addition, the advanced legislative experience of compulsory medical procedure in foreign countries should be used for reference in the course of solving the problem, so as to improve the criminal compulsory medical procedure for mental patients in China.


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