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发布时间:2018-06-10 21:25

  本文选题:强制拍卖 + 拍卖 ; 参考:《武汉大学》2015年博士论文

[Abstract]:Compulsory execution auction as an important price measure in civil enforcement measures, its public, fair and efficient characteristics make it the primary execution mode of civil enforcement. In the process of continuous judicial practice, China has gradually established the auction system in compulsory enforcement. It first appeared in the Civil Procedure Law promulgated in 1991 in China. With the continuous improvement of the civil enforcement system in China, the compulsory auction system has become more and more important in ensuring the timely end of the civil execution cases, maintaining the legitimate rights and interests of the creditors and ensuring the safety of the transaction. The academic and legislative circles also pay more attention to the enforcement of the auction system. The legislation on compulsory auction is mainly stipulated in the judicial interpretation. Due to historical reasons, the compulsory auction legislation in China is still relatively backward, the research of compulsory auction is relatively lagging, and the academic circles have not discussed some entities on the compulsory auction, such as the invalid and revocable of compulsory auction, and the network auction in compulsory auction. On the basis of the existing research, this paper makes some tentative exploration on the problems of compulsory auction. This article is mainly based on the existing compulsory auction legislation in China, starting with the nature of compulsory auction, and combining with me on the basis of comparative analysis of compulsory auction in foreign countries and in Taiwan area of China. The research results of the country have made a thorough study of the compulsory auction. At the same time, based on the social reality of our country and summing up the experience and lessons of the judicial practice, the author puts forward his own views on the legislation of compulsory auction in China. The main contents of this paper are as follows: the first chapter is to discuss the nature of compulsory auction. The first chapter of this paper is to enforce the compulsory auction. The three main viewpoints of the academic controversy of the nature of the auction are demonstrated respectively. Then, the relevant legislative provisions of the compulsory auction of the two legal systems are compared and analyzed, and the present situation of our country's legislation is combined with the status of the legislation of our country. The second chapter studies the balance between the other means of relief. The second chapter studies compulsory auction and other related systems: one is compulsory auction and the auction law, the two is compulsory and general auction, the three is compulsory auction and public property auction, and the three major problems are to study the difference and connection between compulsory auction and other systems. Auction and auction law, this article thinks that China's compulsory auction rule system and the auction law are a cross relationship, but our compulsory auction rule system is not complete and not the omission for the Supreme People's court, but considering that some provisions in the auction law are not required to be repeated in the compulsory auction. In the general auction, there are many differences and connections between the two. Among them, the people's court is in the main position in the legal subject of the compulsory auction, and the people's court and the auction institution are the nature of the concurrently contract relationship. In the case of one person's bidding, it should be from legitimacy and legitimacy two On the basis of the analysis, it is concluded that the compulsory auction procedure is still valid if one person's bidding behavior appears in compulsory auction according to law. In the aspect of compulsory auction and ship auction, the ship auction should be given priority to the provisions of the "sea appeal". At the same time, the transfer mode and time of transfer of ownership are also more special. The third chapter is strong. It is considered that the auction method can not be used in a simple way to deal with the various situations in the compulsory auction, but only according to the standard or the implementation of the specific circumstances to judge the different ways to achieve the best solution, at the same time, we can consider the court self. The choice of the main auction or the entrustment auction is settled by the parties, and the causes of the corruption in the compulsory auction are analyzed, and the action of preventing the bidders from impairing the compulsory auction is put forward. The new form of the network auction has been applied in the compulsory auction, but there are some rules. It is not applicable in a compulsory auction, such as the right of regret in a network auction. In the payment of the price in a compulsory auction, the payment of the price should be properly postponed, but the special situation is required in the law. What kind of treatment is most appropriate to the basis of the comprehensive auction in cases where the price is not paid on time. This market and the status of the buyer's property and even the execution of the case are measured. The fourth chapter is the validity of the compulsory auction. This article holds that the invalidity of the compulsory auction should be clearly stipulated in the law, and the current only in the "Auction Law > sixty-fifth" stipulates an invalid reason, and the main reason for the invalid is the execution of the nominal defect. The defects of the announcement procedure shall not be auctioned in accordance with the instructions of the executive organ, the defect of the right of disposition, the object of the auction, or the third party. In the question of the defect guarantee of the compulsory auction, the claim for the reservation of the defect guarantee not only has the corresponding price, but also gives the buyer substantial justice, while it gives the buyer substantive justice. The rights and interests of other interested parties will have a significant impact. Therefore, the people's court does not bear the liability for the defect on the Central Plains of the compulsory auction, and the auctioneer and the executor assume the liability for defects due to their fault. In the property of the renting right of the compulsory auction, this article believes that the 229th article of the contract law increases the limit of the tenant possession in the contract law. It will be more conducive to the solution of the problems in compulsory auction in reality. At the same time, in the aspect of the removal of the lease right, we can consider using the Taiwan district court to remove the renting right ruling procedure and order the order after the auction. In the case of mistaken selling the property of third people, the profit of the person is compared to the third people of the real ownership. The protection of the interests should be more worthy of protection. The protection of the rights and interests of the third party can be divided into two parts, namely, the substantive relief after the end of the procedure guarantee and the auction procedure before the end of the auction procedure. In the same standard, the validity of the repeated auction by the two courts, by the analysis of the case, should be taken from the closure measures at this time. The effectiveness of the confrontation, the time of the transfer of the title of the object of the auction and the cause of the repeated auction are considered comprehensively in the two auction. The first auction is not necessarily effective. The fifth chapter is a review of the compulsory auction in China. This article points out that the rights and interests of the applicant and the executor are protected by the compulsory auction in China, and the bidders are harmful to the buyer. The compulsory auction and the consequences of ineffectiveness, relief methods, and some problems in the forced sale of bankrupt property are also discussed.


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