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发布时间:2018-06-17 02:06

  本文选题:再审审查程序 + 再审审理程序 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Retrial procedure is a general term for trial supervision procedure in Chinese academic circles. Retrial system is an important part of our litigation system. Application for retrial is the final way for the parties to seek judicial relief. The system of retrial involves two kinds of values: procedural stability and substantive justice. The civil application retrial examination procedure is in the key position of the retrial channel "gate", in addition to having the function of deciding whether the party applies for retrial case or not, Its more important judicial significance is to prevent unnecessary retrial application from entering the retrial procedure in order to balance and coordinate the stability of procedure and the pursuit of substantive justice. Specifically, the retrial review process undertakes many functions, such as retrial filtering, prevention and supervision, rights and interests relief, conflict resolution and so on. If a party applies for a retrial, the court shall, after examining the retrial application, make a retrial examination order or reject the retrial application. The result of the examination directly determines the success of the party's application for retrial. The case that the party applies for retrial can enter the stage of retrial only if the case is ordered to retry. Therefore, the review procedure of civil application retrial is the key procedure to decide whether the case should be retried. However, through the observation of judicial practice, the author finds that the procedure has the following problems: the department accepting the retrial application is not clear, the examination period of the retrial application is empty, the standard of retrial review is confused, the review procedure is not transparent; The mode of examination is not uniform; the subject and effect of mediation are not clear in the stage of examination; The existence of these problems directly or indirectly weakens the proper function of the retrial review procedure and in fact impedes the smooth operation of the retrial system. It is undeniable that the legal provisions on the procedure of application for retrial are too simple and the main cause of many problems in judicial practice. The lawsuit of retrial and review can not be carried out in judicial practice. This not only makes it difficult for the parties to apply for retrial right to be protected, but also causes abuse of the right of action, entanglement and malice litigation. In order to solve the existing problems, make the procedure of retrial and review run healthily, and realize the coordination between the maintenance of res judicata and the correction of errors according to law. In order to perfect the procedure of retrial of civil application, we should first of all determine the correct principle of examination, that is, the principle of limitation, the principle of procedural law and the principle of examination and openness. Secondly, we should make clear the department of accepting the retrial application, clarify the subject of the retrial subject, clarify the retrial examination method and concrete examination rules, standardize the calculation of the review period, and standardize and perfect the application retrial review system. Finally, we should strengthen the litigation guidance system of the retrial application, establish the pre-charge system of the application retrial case, unblock the connection between litigation and mediation, and perfect the relevant supporting mechanism.


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