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发布时间:2018-06-18 20:47

  本文选题:网络仲裁 + 互联网 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来随着电子商务的快速发展,网络商贸争议也大量涌现。面对这种纷繁复杂的交易纠纷,网络仲裁程序也应运而生并且逐步发展起来。本文对网络仲裁的基本理论、仲裁程序及其问题进行了研究,,并考察了域外仲裁的优点,最终找出完善我国网络仲裁的路径。本篇论文正文分为如下四个部分: 第一部分网络仲裁的概述。网络仲裁就是仲裁程序的主要环节、或者全部环节在尽最大努力不损害传统的常规仲裁原理及机制的前提下,主要依靠互联网现代电子信息处理技术通过仲裁程序解决当事人之间争议的争端处理方式。网络仲裁程序具有仲裁协议形式特殊、仲裁文书确认特殊、仲裁地特殊、保密性特殊等几个重要特性。随着互联网的飞速发展,20世纪90年代网络仲裁诞生于美国,近几年来,网络仲裁制度得到人们的认可。互联网技术的不断提高给仲裁程序带来了双面影响:一方面,仲裁效率在互联网技术的影响下得到了极大的提高;另一方面,互联网技术也给现行的仲裁制度带来了巨大挑战和冲击,比如互联网对仲裁中证据制度、仲裁地、仲裁协议以及仲裁裁决的承认、执行问题都会带来负面的影响。 第二部分域外网络仲裁程序考察。美国仲裁协会、赛博仲裁庭、加拿大网上争议解决中心是目前比较有影响力的网络仲裁机构,各自制定了自己的仲裁规则。英国的网络仲裁程序更有程序完整度高、法律保障性强、纠纷普及面广等诸多特点,但其也遇到不少问题,包括电子仲裁协议效力问题、仲裁安全性问题以及仲裁地等问题。 第三部分完善我国网络仲裁程序的路径。我国网络仲裁目前存在着程序合法性未被确定、私密性低、网络技术不高、仲裁协议效力及仲裁地有争议等系列问题。首先,需完善仲裁程序中具体问题的处理机制。面对我国电子仲裁协议效力的争议,需要引入功能等价原理;采用不可否认机制来应对当事人信用风险的问题;面对网络仲裁中假定仲裁地的问题,我国应坚持意思自治原则为主,最密切联系地为辅的原则。其次,解决影响网络仲裁的外部问题。一,对现有的法律制度进行一些适当的调整。二,我国应当加强互联网基础设施的建设力度,提高互联网的普及度、网络速度等,同时引入电子身份认证机制等高新网络技术来保证网络安全。三,通过司法机关的监督、行业内的监督、以及社会公众的监督来保证网络仲裁机构的独立性及仲裁程序的公正性。四,建立一支公正的仲裁员队伍。通过公开考核的方式选拔仲裁员;提高仲裁员的待遇;建立仲裁员征信系统;对仲裁员进行定期的业务培训。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of e-commerce in recent years, online commerce disputes have emerged in large numbers. In the face of this complex transaction disputes, the network arbitration procedures have emerged and gradually developed. In this paper, the basic theory of network arbitration, arbitration procedure and its problems are studied, and the advantages of overseas arbitration are investigated. Finally, the path to perfect China's network arbitration is found out. The text of this paper is divided into four parts as follows: the first part is an overview of network arbitration. Network arbitration is the main link of the arbitration procedure, or all of the links, on the premise of doing their best not to harm the traditional principles and mechanisms of conventional arbitration, It mainly relies on the Internet modern electronic information processing technology to settle the dispute between the parties through the arbitration procedure. The network arbitration procedure has several important characteristics, such as the special form of arbitration agreement, the special confirmation of arbitration document, the special arbitration place, the special confidentiality and so on. With the rapid development of the Internet, network arbitration was born in the United States in the 1990s. In recent years, the network arbitration system has been recognized by people. The continuous improvement of Internet technology has brought double effects to the arbitration procedure: on the one hand, the efficiency of arbitration has been greatly improved under the influence of Internet technology; on the other hand, Internet technology has also brought great challenges and impacts to the current arbitration system, such as the evidence system in arbitration, the place of arbitration, the recognition of arbitration agreement and the recognition of arbitral awards. The second part investigates the extraterritorial network arbitration procedure. The American Arbitration Association, the Cyber Arbitration Tribunal and the Canadian online dispute Resolution Center are influential online arbitration institutions, each of which has formulated its own arbitration rules. The network arbitration procedure in Britain has many characteristics, such as high procedure integrity, strong legal guarantee, wide spread of disputes and so on, but it also encounters many problems, including the validity of electronic arbitration agreement, arbitration security and arbitration place. The third part consummates our country network arbitration procedure path. At present, there exist a series of problems in China's network arbitration, such as the legality of procedure has not been determined, the privacy is low, the network technology is not high, the validity of arbitration agreement and the dispute in the place of arbitration and so on. First of all, it is necessary to perfect the handling mechanism of the specific problems in the arbitration procedure. Facing the dispute of the validity of electronic arbitration agreement in our country, we need to introduce the principle of functional equivalence, adopt the undeniable mechanism to deal with the credit risk of the parties, and face the problem of supposing the place of arbitration in the network arbitration. Our country should adhere to the principle of autonomy of will, the most closely related principle of auxiliary. Secondly, solve the external problems that affect the network arbitration. First, some appropriate adjustments should be made to the existing legal system. Second, China should strengthen the construction of Internet infrastructure, improve the popularity of the Internet, network speed and so on. At the same time, the introduction of electronic identity authentication mechanism and other high-tech network technology to ensure network security. Thirdly, the independence of the network arbitration institution and the impartiality of the arbitration procedure should be guaranteed by the supervision of the judiciary, the supervision of the profession and the supervision of the public. Fourth, establish an impartial team of arbitrators. Select arbitrators through public appraisal; improve the treatment of arbitrators; establish a credit system for arbitrators; conduct regular professional training for arbitrators.


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