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发布时间:2018-06-23 05:50

  本文选题:跨行政区划法院 + 设置 ; 参考:《法律适用》2017年09期

[Abstract]:Based on the study of the overall organizational structure and jurisdiction system of the cross-administrative courts in China, this paper attempts to construct a relatively complete judicial system of cross-administrative courts from the theoretical level to realize the adjustment and perfection of the litigation pattern. Based on the theory of accurately grasping the top level design of the reform of the courts across administrative divisions, this paper pays close attention to the experience and shortcomings in the practice of the pilot operation of the reform, attaches importance to adhering to the problem orientation, and regards special cases as the criteria for defining jurisdiction. To distinguish and clarify the types and scope of special cases. On this basis, from the aspects of legislative revision, system construction, jurisdiction system perfection and so on, this paper puts forward the reform ideas and relevant suggestions of the future development of the cross-regionalized court, which is divided into stages and three steps, and pays attention to the design of the top-level system. And take into account the needs of the reality.
【作者单位】: 北京市第四中级人民法院;


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