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发布时间:2018-06-23 08:14

  本文选题:诱惑侦查 + 合法界限 ; 参考:《海南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》2013年05期

[Abstract]:Temptation detection is a double-edged sword, the improper use of innocent people will be guilty. In order to avoid the negative effects of enticement investigation, it is necessary to clear its legal and illegal boundaries. In the United States, there is a theoretical dispute between subjective criteria and objective criteria on the limits of the legality of enticement investigation. The former focuses on the reprehensibility of the accused, while the latter focuses on the inappropriate nature of the inducement by the police. In fact, subjective and objective criteria are not the relationship between one mountain and two tigers, but are complementary. Drawing lessons from the theory and practice of the United States, our country should absorb the advantages of subjective and objective standards, adopt the "parallel mode" to regulate the behavior of temptation investigation, prohibit the inducement of criminal intent, strictly limit the degree of attraction and the object of attraction. The defendant is also granted the right to plead not guilty to the illegal enticement investigation.
【作者单位】: 昆明理工大学法学院;山东省德州市夏津县人民检察院;
【基金】:教育部人文社会科学西部和边疆地区青年基金项目(12XJC820001) 昆明理工大学引进人才项目(KKSY201224012)


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2 马滔;诱惑侦查之合法性分析[J];中国刑事法杂志;2000年05期


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7 黎e,




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