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发布时间:2018-06-24 08:31

  本文选题:污点证人 + 作证豁免 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The purpose of the exemption system for tainted witnesses is to strike a balance between the compulsory duty to testify and the crime of opposing forced self-incrimination, and to make active use of clues and testimonies provided by tainted witnesses while protecting tainted witnesses. In order to better combat certain crimes, in particular organized crime. The 2012 revision of the Criminal procedure Code further established the value objective of human rights guarantees and established legal rules against forced self-incrimination, witness protection, etc., However, the lack of immunity to the tainted witness makes the balance between the fight against crime and the protection of human rights in the current Criminal procedure Law exist to a certain extent. Based on this situation, this paper studies the immunity of tainted witness, analyzes the various theoretical disputes in the exemption of tainted witness, and compares the legislative achievements and gains and losses of other countries and regions in the exemption of tainted witness. Combined with the actual demand in our country's criminal judicial practice, some preliminary suggestions are put forward on the establishment of the exemption system of tainted witness testifying. Basically, the research of this paper is divided into the following three parts: the first part is the empirical investigation of the exemption of tainted witnesses. This part mainly from the perspective of empirical research, to our criminal legislation and criminal justice practice in the issue of immunity of tainted witnesses, and through the classification of cases summary, empirical interviews and other ways. It is concluded that there is no tainted witness immunity system in our country's legislation, but in criminal judicial practice, there are some similar practices, such as accomplice, voluntary surrender and meritorious service in organized crime, active confession of bribery behavior and so on. The second part is the practical experience of the exemption system of tainted witness in foreign countries. This part introduces and compares the exemption system of tainted witness in other countries from the perspective of comparative study, and draws the conclusion that the exemption mode and procedure are different, but the value is convergent. The so-called convergence of values means that the extraterritorial system of immunity of witnesses is aimed at the protection of human rights and the fight against crime, the essence of which is to reconcile the contradiction between the fight against crime and the fight against forced self-incrimination; the so-called patterns vary, It refers to the existence of two modes: the use of the content of the negative stain witness's testimony and the direct remission of the crime in the legislation; the so-called procedural difference refers to the fact that some countries explicitly stipulate that the prosecutor has the right to decide. Others were of the view that the Prosecutor's intention to conduct immunity from testimony should be permitted by the judge. The third part introduces the exemption system of tainted witness. This part puts forward some views on the establishment of the exemption system for tainted witnesses, and suggests that the exemption of tainted witnesses should be placed in the evidence part of Chapter V of the Criminal procedure Law, and that the procuratorial organs occupy a dominant position in the testimony of tainted witnesses. On the other hand, the people's court has the final right to make the decision, to make full use of the existing legislative resources and to avoid the imbalance in the legislative system on the basis of the current system of non-prosecution. At the same time, legislation should not directly use the expression "stain witness" to avoid ambiguity and misunderstanding.


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