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发布时间:2018-06-27 07:52

  本文选题:乡村纠纷 + 非诉讼 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since 80s twentieth Century, China has gradually embarked on the road of rule of law in the modern sense,.1999 "rule of law" was written into the constitution, which opened a new journey of the construction of the rule of law in China for.2014 years. The eighteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China considered and passed the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the comprehensive promotion of the rule of law. At the same time, the number of lawsuits in the people's courts at all levels has increased rapidly, and the grass-roots people's courts are more crowded, which not only reflects the gradual acceptance of the dispute settlement mechanism for the rural villagers, but also reflects the non litigation settlement mechanism of various disputes. In recent years, the judicial policy of our country has paid more and more attention to the diversification of the dispute settlement mechanism in resolving social contradictions, adjusting social relations and remolding the important role of the social body. In the fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, the party also made clear that "to improve the prevention and solution mechanism of social contradictions and disputes, to perfect mediation, arbitration, administrative adjudication, administrative recovery". At present, the academic circle has basically reached a consensus, that is, to establish a diversified dispute resolution mechanism that can meet the various needs of the social subject is the future development direction of the construction of the rule of law in China. The author seriously analyses the solution of the multiple dispute resolution in Xiamen Special Economic Zone. In order to promote the regulations, formulate the regulations, formulate the background and the problems encountered in the process, this paper expounds the types and causes of the contradictions and disputes in the current rural society in detail, and points out the shortcomings of the existing dispute settlement mechanism in China according to the current situation of the dispute settlement, and puts forward some suggestions and problems to be solved on this basis. First, introduction, this chapter introduces the background, purpose and significance of the study, and expounds the research on the diversification of the dispute settlement mechanism at home and abroad. On this basis, this chapter puts forward the methods, paths and overall ideas of this study. Chapter 1, the general situation of China's rural legal dispute involving litigation, this chapter focuses on the current Chinese townships. In the village society, there are various disputes involving law involving litigation, and the types, characteristics and causes of the disputes are introduced in detail. After that, the factors that affect the settlement of the villagers' choice of disputes are analyzed in detail. The second chapter is the solution mechanism and shortcomings of the current rural related litigation disputes in China. This chapter from the current rural law related litigation dispute resolution machine in our country Starting with the system, this paper analyzes the shortcomings of different dispute settlement mechanisms in resolving disputes, which provides a realistic basis for the necessity and rationality of the diversified dispute settlement mechanism in the construction of rural society. The third chapter, the construction of a diversified settlement mechanism for rural legal disputes involving litigation disputes, this chapter introduces the meaning of the diversification dispute resolution mechanism. In view of the relationship between the mode and the reality, this paper points out the construction idea, strategy, and finally docked with the rural reality, and puts forward the legal regulation and the practical safeguard measures for the diversification dispute settlement mechanism.


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