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发布时间:2018-06-29 02:48

  本文选题:精神病 + 司法鉴定 ; 参考:《烟台大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The identification of criminal justice psychosis has a great influence on the result of the criminal case, especially in the case of the supreme sentence of the death penalty, such as intentional homicide, robbery and so on. In recent years, the cases of suspected psychotic cases are still common, and the criminal cases of "suspected psychotic patients" are widely accepted. In view of this, the compulsory medical procedures for mental patients who are not responsible for criminal responsibility are first written into the criminal procedure law and implemented in 2013. Although the system has perfected the follow-up procedure of the mental patients' crime, it can not be denied that the system of forensic psychiatry identification is still in our country. In addition to the introduction, this article is divided into three parts: the first part, starting with the identification system of criminal justice psychosis, expounds the basic knowledge of the concept and characteristics of the identification of criminal justice psychosis and the theoretical basis of the establishment of the theory, and lays the foundation for the discussion below. The second part, using the positive and negative contrast method, first comes from the front. This paper expounds the current criminal judicial psychiatric appraisal system and its positive significance, and then points out the defects in the identification system of mental illness in China's criminal judicial psychiatric identification system in the determination of mental illness, the system of identification and management, and the right of litigious litigation. The third part is also the focus of this article, through the analysis of Chinese and foreign psychosis. The appraisal system, from four aspects, such as strengthening the supervision of the determination of the judicial organ's mental illness, perfecting the system of forensic mental illness identification, and promoting the litigation of the participant in the criminal judicial psychiatric appraisal litigation, puts forward the idea of perfecting the system of identification of the mental illness in criminal judicature in our country, with a view to perfecting and perfecting the mental illness of our criminal judicature. It is beneficial to set the system.


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