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发布时间:2018-06-29 22:30

  本文选题:逮捕必要性 + 证明 ; 参考:《西北大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:逮捕作为以剥夺被捕者人身自由为内容的司法强制措施,对于维护社会秩序的存在和发展是必不可少的,但如果运用不当极易侵害被逮捕人的权益。逮捕措施的司法适用具有两面性,适用适宜将起到良好的司法和社会效果,适用不适宜则可能严重侵害个人及社会权益。司法实践中,“有罪即捕”的现象大量存在,控制逮捕滥用的重要手段就是科学设置逮捕条件,通过明确、具体的逮捕条件达到控制逮捕的目的。本文拟从立法的角度对逮捕的必要性要件的证明问题进行研究,为逮捕条件的司法适用提供具有操作性的判断标准,从而实现人权保障优先,兼顾保护社会效率和利益的逮捕的价值追求。 本文分为引言、正文和结语,其中正文部分主要从实证、内涵与外延角度出发阐明了逮捕的必要性要件证明的现实价值;进而对逮捕的必要性要件证明的必要性和可能性进行论证,并详细列举了逮捕必要性要件证明的证据要素及证明责任分配,构建了完整的逮捕必要性要件证明的制度框架,并对司法机关相应的配套变革措施提出了构想以促进该证明制度的实现。 通过对逮捕的必要性要件的证明的研究,使得逮捕条件更具有明确性和可操作性,更加符合现代法治理念的发展和要求,从而达到保障人权的宪法主旨。
[Abstract]:As a judicial coercive measure to deprive the arrested person of his personal freedom, arrest is necessary to maintain the existence and development of social order, but it is easy to infringe the rights and interests of the arrested person if it is improperly applied. The judicial application of arrest measures has two sides, the suitable application will have good judicial and social effects, and the inappropriate application may seriously infringe the rights and interests of individuals and society. In judicial practice, the phenomenon of "crime is arrest" exists in a large number. The important means to control the abuse of arrest is to set up arrest conditions scientifically and to achieve the purpose of controlling arrest through clear and specific arrest conditions. This paper intends to study the proof of the necessary elements of arrest from the angle of legislation so as to provide an operational judgment standard for the judicial application of arrest conditions, so as to realize the priority of human rights protection. To protect social efficiency and interests of the arrest of the pursuit of value. This article is divided into preface, text and conclusion, in which the main body part from the empirical, connotation and extension of the point of view to clarify the necessity of arrest of the necessary elements of the practical value of proof; Then it demonstrates the necessity and possibility of the proof of the necessary elements of arrest, and enumerates the elements of evidence and the distribution of the burden of proof in detail, and constructs a complete institutional framework for the proof of the necessary elements of arrest. The corresponding reform measures of judicial organs are put forward to promote the realization of the certification system. Through the research on the proof of the necessary elements of arrest, the conditions of arrest are more definite and operable, more in line with the development and requirements of the modern concept of rule of law, so as to achieve the constitutional purport of protecting human rights.


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