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发布时间:2018-06-30 11:17

  本文选题:民事诉讼 + 法官释明 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In civil litigation legislation of civil law system and Anglo-American law system, there are provisions similar to that of explaining behavior by judges, which is a system corresponding to the right of disposition and the right of debate of the parties. Based on the basic theory and practice of interpretation, this paper focuses on the scope and boundary of judge's interpretation, and then discusses the rules of systematized interpretation system, and finally realizes the leapfrogging from theoretical research to practical application. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is the starting point of the full text research, namely the basic introduction and practice of the judge explanation theory. The lack of legislation of interpretation system in China is the cause of disorder in interpretation practice and the realistic requirement of establishing systematic interpretation system. The study of the limits of interpretation is an important part of the construction of interpretation system. According to the traditional theory, under the principle of the judge knowing the law, the object of interpretation is limited to the fact problem. This paper, based on the standpoint of agreeing to the parties' participation in the legal issue, aims at the factual and legal problems involved in the lawsuit. This paper studies the objects of the judge's interpretation in time and space, the limits of interpretation, and the corresponding safeguards. The second chapter and the third chapter are the concrete discussion on the boundary problem of the first chapter. The ultimate purpose of any action is the determination of facts and the application of law. At the level of determining the facts, the behavior of the judge generally refers to the actions of the parties claiming the facts and providing evidence, the limit of which is to exhaust the litigants' litigation resources and to prevent the surprise of the facts. In the process of confirming the facts, the safeguard measures of explaining the nature of obligation are combined with the system of disclosure of evidence. At the level of legal application, the interpretation points to the determination of judicial syllogism's medium and small premises, that is, whether the facts advocated by the parties can be corresponding to and contained by the legal norms, which means that it is implied. In the process of applying the law, the judge should prevent the surprise judgment from coming into being on the basis of the duty attribute of the judge's explanation, and thus put forward the request that the judge should announce the legal viewpoint and protect the party's right of argument. The fourth chapter is the exploration of this paper from theoretical research to practical application. The concrete rules of constructing the system of interpretation of judges should be based on the reform of the existing non-binding principle of debate in our country, that is, the confirmation of the principle of binding debate in the legislation of civil procedure. Taking the principle of seeking the true intention of the litigant to participate in the lawsuit and abiding by the principle of judicial neutrality as the clue, combining the matters involved in the four stages of filing the case, the preparation before the court, the trial in court and the end of the trial, as clues, the author hopes to form a systematized system. In this logic, further put forward the situation of improper interpretation and the corresponding relief channels of the parties, so as to make the system of interpretation of judges more complete. Finally, this paper points out that the irreversibility of litigation interests due to improper interpretation should be evaluated according to substantive law norms, because procedural justice has lost its significance at this time. The judge who is not properly interpreted should be investigated for his responsibility, but it should not be tied up with the responsibility or result of the case.


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