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发布时间:2018-07-01 09:45

  本文选题:逮捕 + 必要性审查 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:逮捕制度作为我国刑事诉讼法中具有惩罚犯罪和保障人权的刑事目标和功能的、最严厉的强制措施之一,在我国刑事诉讼法中占有重要地位,也发挥着较为重要的作用,因而是刑事法学领域学者们普遍亲睐的研究对象。逮捕必要性问题研究是刑诉法修订后人们普遍关注的焦点问题之一,,本文选择研究逮捕必要性的审查与认定,无疑具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。 本文是典型的三部分模式,从什么是逮捕必要性及逮捕必要性审查与认定什么、为什么要进行逮捕必要性的审查与认定、如何解决逮捕必要性虚置问题三个方面来研究。 文章第一部分是逮捕必要性的一般原理的介绍,简要分析了逮捕必要的含义及适用条件、逮捕必要性审查与认定的主观和客观标准、逮捕必要性审查与认定意义、英美法系、大陆法系两大法系主要国家关于逮捕必要性审查与认定的实践及对我国的启发。 第二部分侧重阐述我国逮捕必要性适用的理论现状、立法现状和主体现状,并根据逮捕必要性的使用现状提出实践中存在的逮捕功能异化、诉讼观念等方面出现的问题,在重述问题的基础上,从诉讼观念、诉讼制度、客观现实三个层次分析我国逮捕必要性被虚置的成因。 最后一部分是在前两个部分的基础上,从完善逮捕必要性的理论、完善逮捕必要性的立法、完善逮捕必要性审查与认定制度、贯彻宽严相济的刑事政策三个大的方向来探讨完善我国逮捕必要性虚置问题的具体措施。
[Abstract]:As one of the most severe coercive measures, the arrest system plays an important role in the criminal procedure law of our country, which has the criminal target and function of punishing crime and protecting human rights, and also plays an important role in the criminal procedure law of our country. Therefore, it is a popular research object for scholars in the field of criminal law. The research on the necessity of arrest is one of the focal issues that people pay more attention to after the revision of the Criminal procedure Law. It is undoubtedly of great theoretical significance and practical value for this article to choose to study the examination and determination of the necessity of arrest. This article is a typical three-part model, from what is the necessity of arrest and what the necessity of arrest review and confirmation, why to review and identify the necessity of arrest, how to solve the problem of false arrest necessity to study three aspects. The first part of the article is the introduction of the general principle of the necessity of arrest. It briefly analyzes the meaning and applicable conditions of the necessity of arrest, the subjective and objective criteria of the examination and confirmation of the necessity of arrest, the significance of the examination and determination of the necessity of arrest, and the common law system. The practice of examining and confirming the necessity of arrest in two major countries of civil law system and its inspiration to our country. The second part focuses on the current situation of the theory, legislation and subject of the necessity of arrest in our country, and puts forward the problems in practice, such as the alienation of arrest function, the concept of litigation and so on, according to the current situation of the use of the necessity of arrest. On the basis of restatement, this paper analyzes the causes of the virtual necessity of arrest in China from three levels: the concept of litigation, the system of litigation and the objective reality. The last part is on the basis of the first two parts, from perfecting the theory of the necessity of arrest, perfecting the legislation of the necessity of arrest, perfecting the system of examining and confirming the necessity of arrest. Carry out the criminal policy of combining leniency and severe punishment to probe into the concrete measures to perfect the necessity of arrest in our country.


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