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发布时间:2018-07-01 10:19

  本文选题:多元化行政争议解决机制 + 现行制度 ; 参考:《河北大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The administrative dispute settlement mechanism refers to the non-litigation dispute settlement mechanism established or presided over by the administrative subject, including administrative mediation, administrative adjudication, administrative appeal and other basic forms. The function and development of administrative dispute settlement mechanism reflect the needs of contemporary social governance and have gradually become a kind of public service resources provided by service-oriented government to the public. The administrative dispute settlement mechanism provides the parties with a way of public relief, which is different from the judicial proceedings and can be compatible with the consultative and adjudicative procedures. It brings about the initiative, directness, efficiency and negotiation of the administrative power. It is easy to gain the trust of the litigants because of the combination of balance and specialization, and at the same time, it has the advantage of experts and the resources of power which the folk ADR does not have. In the handling of specific disputes, it plays an important role. How to standardize the elements associated with the administrative relief system in a scientific way, so as to form a set of orderly operation, link up with each other, ensure a pluralistic mechanism of administrative dispute resolution, and thus ensure the fairness of administrative dispute. To be solved efficiently is the main problem studied in this paper. At first, the paper expounds the basic theory of the pluralistic administrative dispute settlement mechanism, and analyzes the concepts, elements, types and functions of the dispute resolution mechanism, the dispute settlement mechanism and the administrative dispute settlement mechanism. The development trend leads to the concept of pluralistic administrative dispute resolution mechanism. Secondly, it analyzes the present situation of the pluralistic administrative dispute settlement mechanism in China. It includes the basic form and scope of application, functions and characteristics of the current administrative dispute settlement mechanism, as well as the main characteristics and main problems of the current administrative dispute settlement mechanism in China. The third part carries on the comparative research to the extraterritorial administrative dispute settlement mechanism, briefly introduces the representative system of the United Kingdom, France, Japan and other countries and gets some enlightenment of perfecting the current administrative dispute system of our country. In order to solve administrative disputes, we should build a diversified administrative dispute settlement mechanism, construct a standardized administrative dispute settlement mechanism, implement the ultimate judicial principle, attach importance to the non-litigation administrative dispute settlement mechanism, and strive to resolve the administrative dispute in the administrative procedure. Six aspects, such as reforming and perfecting the system of letters and visits, expatiate on the basic conception of perfecting the pluralistic administrative dispute settlement mechanism in our country.


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