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发布时间:2018-07-03 00:36

  本文选题:认罪认罚从宽 + 量刑协商 ; 参考:《内蒙古大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The lenient system of pleading guilty and penalizing is an important judicial reform in our country at present. It is the institutionalization of criminal policy of combining leniency and severe punishment and embodies the concept of modern judicial tolerance and peace. Its purpose is to promote the diversion of complex cases, optimize the allocation of judicial resources and improve the efficiency of litigation. Through a comparative study of the civil law system and the common law system, it is found that the cases in which the defendants plead guilty are no longer actually tried in the two legal systems, and the defendants can generally be given a reduction in sentencing after pleading guilty. No matter which legal system countries will protect the defendant's procedural right of choice and try to safeguard the fairness of the proceedings, in addition, plea bargaining has played an important role in the two major legal systems. The two legal systems also severely restrict the defendant's right of appeal in applying this procedure. On the other hand, the lenient procedure of pleading guilty and penalizing in our country is not standardized at the system level, and the scope of plea bargaining needs to be further clarified. At present, this procedure is most widely used in the review of prosecution and trial stages. Therefore, it is necessary to divide the case according to the severity of the charge and the degree of difficulty in the trial, which requires the coordination of the relationship between the quick adjudication procedure and the summary procedure, the construction of the negotiation procedure, and the more diversified application of the procedure. In addition, in the design of the procedure, we should give full consideration to the convenience of the parties, actively listen to the views of the victims, establish the system of compulsory defense, bring this type of case into the scope of legal aid, and establish the appeal review procedure for such cases.


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