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发布时间:2018-07-08 15:00

  本文选题:非法证据排除 + 审前阶段 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Wilkes v. United States established the rule of exclusion of illegal evidence, which has been adopted and absorbed by many countries and regions in the world. The criminal procedure law of our country is clearly stipulated by way of legislation. In our country, the procuratorial organ not only exercises the power of investigation and prosecution, but also exercises the power of legal supervision. It is the double task of the procuratorial organs to participate in the whole process and the unique nature of the litigation. The procuratorial organs exclude the illegal evidence and determine its important effectiveness in the litigation. In recent years, illegal evidence exclusion rules have become a hot issue in China because of torture, human rights violations and false cases. In this paper, comparative analysis, literature analysis and case analysis are combined to analyze the prosecution of illegal evidence in criminal proceedings. First of all, the introduction of procuratorial organs to apply illegal evidence exclusion rules. This part mainly includes the following contents: the definition of the rule of exclusion of illegal evidence, the legal analysis and theoretical analysis applied by the procuratorial organ. Secondly, the author summarizes the current situation of the application of the rule of exclusion of illegal evidence by the procuratorial organs in the pre-trial stage, which mainly introduces the current situation of application in our country from the two stages of pretrial arrest and examination and prosecution. Thirdly, in the previous part of the inductive content, the following problems can be summed up: first, the rule lacks some maneuverability; second, the procuratorial organ has the situation of negative application of the rule; third, the influence of factors outside the case; and fourth, Public opinion interferes offside. Then, carry on the overseas investigation. From the continental law system and the Anglo-American law system, we select the typical countries' legislative cases and precedents, and summarize the enlightenment and reference for our country's reference. Finally, on the basis of analyzing the existing practice and overseas experience of our country, the procuratorial organs respond to many practical problems in the application of the rule. The perfection suggestion mainly includes: perfecting the procedure of procuratorial organ applying the rule of excluding illegal evidence, establishing the internal incentive mechanism of procuratorial organ, establishing the "firewall" of preventing judicial interference, and realizing the benign interaction between procuratorial organ and public opinion.


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