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发布时间:2018-07-11 18:08

  本文选题:境外仲裁机构 + 中国境内裁决 ; 参考:《浙江大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The deepening economic contacts between countries have promoted the development of transnational dispute settlement. International famous arbitration institutions generally carry out arbitration activities all over the world. With the opening up of China, more and more foreign arbitration institutions choose arbitration in China. However, due to the defects of China's current arbitration legal system, when an overseas arbitration institution is arbitrating in China, the arbitration agreement is found to be null and void, and the arbitration award cannot be recognized and enforced. In 2015, the State Council proposed to support the entry of international well-known commercial dispute settlement agencies in Shanghai Free Trade pilot Zone to enhance the internationalization of commercial dispute arbitration. Overseas arbitration institutions began to enter the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, but the supporting legal system of the overseas arbitration institutions has not yet been clarified, and the arbitration of overseas arbitration institutions in China is still blocked. Therefore, it is one of the problems to be solved urgently to reform the existing arbitration legal system of our country and to carry out the arbitration activities smoothly in the territory of China by overseas arbitration institutions. The first part of this paper is the introduction, which introduces the background and significance of the research. The second part introduces the two specific forms and the present situation of overseas arbitration institutions in China. The third part focuses on the legal obstacles and possible solutions of overseas arbitration institutions in China under the first form combined with the relevant articles of arbitration law and cases with great influence. The fourth part analyzes the legal obstacles and future ideas of setting up branches of overseas arbitration institutions in Shanghai Free Trade Zone under the second form of the opening of arbitration service market in China. The fifth part, as a conclusion, puts forward legal reform suggestions for overseas arbitration institutions in China from many angles. The main innovation of this paper is 1: 1. The topic is relatively novel, especially the establishment of branches of overseas arbitration institutions in the Free Trade area is a new situation recently, the domestic research results are less than 2. This paper analyzes the reform direction of arbitration law and puts forward some suggestions for the reform of arbitration law in our country. According to the current situation of the overseas arbitration institutions in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone after their entry, and in the light of the current international situation of arbitration and the current legal environment of our country, and referring to the experience of overseas arbitration institutions, To creatively put forward the legal conception and reform proposals of overseas arbitration institutions after setting up branches in FTAA.


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