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发布时间:2018-07-14 08:17
[Abstract]:Private criminal law refers to the concept, principle and method of introducing private law into the criminal law constructed by pure public law in order to realize the pluralistic governance of crime within the framework of criminal law. Although the privatization of criminal law has presented a promising realistic picture and gained ample institutional space in the modern development of criminal law theory, the unrestrained private law of criminal law will undoubtedly weaken the general preventive function of the penalty. Impair the justice and security value of criminal law. Therefore, at this stage, the private criminal law should not only adhere to the state monopoly on crime governance, oppose any form of autonomy of the rules in the field of crime governance, but also take the modesty of criminal law as the substantive standard. Only within its doctrinal system. In this basic position, the most important and most typical explicit form of the legislation of criminal law and the private law of criminal justice is the carrier, respectively, to construct the specific boundaries of the private law of criminal law in our country.
【作者单位】: 厦门大学法学院;


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