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发布时间:2018-07-15 13:03
[Abstract]:In order to improve the efficiency of criminal cases, since 2014, China has been clear about the facts, sufficient evidence, the defendant voluntarily pleads guilty, and the parties try to apply the expedited procedure to minor criminal cases where the applicable law is not disputed. In the past two years, the trial work of quick adjudication of criminal cases has been quite effective. However, the final statement of the defendant has obvious negative and non-substantive characteristics, and has little influence on the judge, so it is difficult to play its due role. Simplifying the procedure of the defendant's final statement can further shorten the trial time, better realize the efficiency value of the criminal adjudication procedure, and will not cause substantial harm to the defendant's rights. Replace the words "the defendant shall be heard" with the words "the defendant shall be allowed to make the final statement upon application", which will maximize the balance between the value orientation of the expedited procedure and the need to protect the rights of the defendant.
【作者单位】: 中国政法大学民商经济法学院;


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