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发布时间:2018-07-17 20:33
[Abstract]:Starting from the practical logic, this paper tries to examine the legal effect of administrative litigation through empirical analysis and logical argument, analyze the various factors that affect the actual effect of administrative litigation, and further explore the feasible way to improve the legal effect of administrative litigation. The full text is divided into seven parts, including six chapters. The first chapter is The general theory about the actual effect of administrative litigation is mainly from the concept of legal effect, the validity of law and the analysis of these two related concepts, the concept of the legal effect of administrative litigation, the method of investigation and the influencing factors. The legal effect of administrative litigation in China is the actual operation state of administrative litigation in China. Secondly, according to the object of the legal effect of administrative litigation, we can examine and analyze the legal effect of administrative litigation from three angles of psychology, sociology and economics, and these three angles can not be separated completely, but interpenetrate each other to explain the legal effect of administrative litigation. Finally, the legal effect is influenced by the reference. The main factors that influence the actual effect of Chinese administrative litigation are the following four main factors: one is the institutional factor. The main factor is to examine and analyze the relationship between institutional factors and the legislative objectives of administrative litigation. Two is the power structure factor. The main factors are to explore the independent status of China's administrative litigation from the dimension of the state power relations, and examine the independent status of China's administrative litigation. Depth, the breadth and depth of judicial authority. Three is the main factor of behavior. It mainly examines and analyzes the understanding of the parties to the administrative litigation, the motivation and purpose of the application and the vision of the development of the law. Four is the implementation of the environmental factors. The main investigation and analysis of the relationship between the implementation environment of administrative litigation and the form of administrative litigation is the second chapter. Through the interpretation of the purpose of the administrative litigation and the investigation of the judicial practice, the author thinks that the clarity, rationality and operability of the Chinese administrative litigation law affect the judicial practice of the administrative litigation. The provisions of the legislative purpose of the administrative litigation are stipulated. The protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the relative people has been completely covered by the purpose of "completely solving the administrative dispute" in practice, and the legislative purpose of "solving the administrative dispute thoroughly" is not entangled in the thorough solution of the case dispute and is based on the unity of the judicial effect and social effect of the whole society, and is more to the reality. In the specific process of administrative trial, the aim of the judge is complex and pluralistic. The authority and credibility of the administrative trial in China are gradually reduced to chicken ribs in the pursuit of the superposition of various effects. The third chapter is an analysis of the actual effect of the independence of administrative litigation and the analysis of the power factors. Due to the litigation in the power structure, the power factor is the key factor affecting the judicial practice of administrative litigation. The court of China is not only a neutral judicial institution, but also a bureaucracy, the Party committee, the local government and the court have countless ties. The court itself is not only controlled in the system, but also benefited from the system. In the whole state power structure, the results of the administrative trial are closely related to the achievements of the local government. The results of the trial are in accordance with the party's policy and the overall plan of the local government to meet the maximum of the court's own interests while pursuing judicial justice. The fourth chapter is the actual effect of the appeals to the parties of the administrative litigation. This paper mainly discusses the main factors affecting the legal effect of administrative litigation, and tries to examine and analyze the understanding, application, views and suggestions of administrative litigation from the angle of the judges, lawyers, administrative relative and administrative organs. This paper analyzes the operation status of administrative litigation, and pays attention to the true feelings of the subject in administrative litigation, and analyzes the participation logic of all parties in the administrative litigation from four aspects of the choice of the administrative litigation parties, the cognition of the administrative litigation, the legal consciousness and the strategy of the weak in the administrative litigation. The fifth chapter is the line of action. The administrative litigation in China is influenced by the environmental factors. The administrative litigation in China can not give full play to the independence of the judiciary. The solution to the administrative dispute is a flexible solution to the mediation of administrative litigation. China's administrative litigation is deeply embedded in the whirlpool of power structure. It is "unbearable" to fully solve administrative disputes by the administrative referee of "non black or white". The court plays not only the role of the referee, but also the coordinator of all aspects of the interests of the court in administrative proceedings. The court is careful to make suggestions, conciliation, and direction through a series of "variable" methods. The Party committee help to solve the difficult problems in the administrative trial in a variety of ways, in order to maintain the authority of the court and the justice of the judiciary. The sixth chapter is an analysis of the path to improve the legal effect of administrative litigation. To improve and improve the legal effect of administrative litigation from the following five aspects. First, establish the authority of administrative trial. Through the investigation of the basic position of administrative trial and the satisfaction of the "conciliatory withdrawal", the author puts forward that the "administrative judgment" has the incomparable role of other non legal methods. The arbitrariness of administrative litigation and the increase of the proportion of administrative cases judgment and settlement to establish the authority of administrative trial; second, standardize the "reconciliation and withdrawal" in judicial practice. According to the selection, views and suggestions of the parties to the "reconciliation and withdrawal" in the investigation and administrative litigation, the idea of "reconciliation withdrawing the lawsuit" is put forward to improve the operation of the administrative procedure law. Third, promote the social identity of the administrative referee. The process of administrative litigation is a highly professional and technical process. The process and results of administrative litigation are easily misinterpreted and misled by the people. By strengthening the public opinion communication in administrative litigation and the explanation of lawyers' interpretation in the lawsuit, the society of the administrative referee can be effectively promoted. Fourth, respect the phased development of administrative litigation. The evolution of the administrative litigation system in China is a gradual process. This method of revision respects the stages of the development of administrative litigation and adopts a gradual reform. The high nature and unbalance of the different needs of the subject and the asymmetry of the supply and demand of the system can be produced. In order to make some predictions about the future development of the administrative litigation system. Fifth, comply with the development of the social governance model. The positive interaction between the administration, the judiciary and the people is the motive force of the administrative litigation. As the "change" in the administrative trial, the cooperative administrative litigation is born in the judicial practice, complies with the development of the social governance model and reinterprets it. The value of administrative litigation raises a new proposition for the study of administrative litigation.


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