[Abstract]:The position of our country's marine administrative procedure law is: the ocean administrative procedure law is the procedure law of the ocean administrative law, is the special law of the administrative procedure law, is also the sublaw of the ocean procedure law. The path of codification should be the only way to legislate the maritime administrative procedure in China, which is helpful to respond to the existing problems of the legal system of marine administrative procedure, and to strengthen the procedural obligations of the subject of law enforcement to protect the procedural rights of the counterpart. It is helpful to overcome the limitation that administrative procedure law emphasizes on general rules and lacks special rules, and it is helpful for all marine law enforcement subjects to follow the same procedure and to enhance their law enforcement ability. The integrated maritime administrative procedure law is a branch law which is based on the marine administrative law system under the constitutional environment, belongs to its internal system and is second only to the constitution in its application effect, and is parallel to other marine procedural laws. On the basis of this orientation, the substantive content and structure of the law code are reasonably set up from the perspective of the theory and legislative technology of marine law enforcement procedure.
【作者单位】: 海南大学法学院;
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