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发布时间:2018-07-27 20:19
【摘要】:公正与效率是刑事诉讼程序设计追求的两大主题,也是现代法治国家普遍追求的价值取向。公正是人类永恒的价值目标,包括实体公正和程序公正,程序公正是实现实体公正的保障,刑事起诉方式是刑事诉讼中的一个重要程序环节,其程序设计是否科学,直接关系到整个刑事诉讼程序的公正性与合理性。然而,在刑事起诉方式的选择上,我们从最初1979年卷宗移送主义到1996年复印件主义,再到2012年卷宗移送主义的回归,这标志着我国1996年案件移送制度的改革宣告失败,我国刑事起诉方式又回到了1979年的状态,对于全卷移送的恢复,是否符合刑事诉讼规律?全卷移送致命缺陷法官预断、庭审流于形式等问题我们又该如何解决?我们不得不从更深层次来分析问题的原因,寻求对策。 从总体上来看,刑事起诉方式与法律文化、民众意识、司法环境、诉讼模式,诉讼观念等因素有着密切的联系。在选择诉讼方式之前,我们必须搞清楚我们国家法律文化、民众意识、司法环境、诉讼模式,诉讼观念到底是怎么样的?对于西方国家那种较有优势的刑事起诉方式在我国是否能够适用?会不会产生和他们相同的效果?这些都有待于我们去研究和探讨,笔者认为公诉案卷移送方式的改革不是一朝一夕能够完成的,还有待于我国立法的不断调整、诉讼制度的不断完善和诉讼观念的不断更新。我们相信,随着司法改革的不断深入,我国刑事起诉方式必将日趋合理和完善,逐步实现刑事起诉方式的理想模式。 本文正文部分共分五部分: 第一部分刑事起诉方式的理论界定,从三个方面进行阐述,首先对刑事起诉方式的概念进行了简单的介绍,然后介绍了刑事起诉方式的类型,最后重点分析刑事起诉方式形成的理论依据,主要从刑事起诉模式和刑事诉讼观念两个角度展开分析。 第二部分刑事起诉方式法律功能分析,在这部分重点分析公诉方式在刑事诉讼程序中的作用。 第三部分域外刑事起诉方式的比较,本人通对日本、美国、英国、德国、法国等国家刑事起诉方式进行比较研究,分析了他们在刑事起诉方式上是如何规定的,以及对于刑事起诉方式存在的一些问题,在本部分本人还重点分析了全卷证移送主义与起诉状一本主义的优点和不足。 第四部分我国刑事起诉方式的演变及问题分析,本部分本人首先对我国刑事起诉方式进行脉络梳理,从而分析为什么出现这种立法的反复并分析其原因,最后重点分析我国现行刑事起诉方式存在哪些问题。 第五部分我国刑事起诉方式理性化的基本构想,在本部分本人针对我国现行刑事诉讼法出现的问题,提出了自己的改革和完善的意见,提出“分段移送主义”,并提出相关配套制度的改进与建设。
[Abstract]:Justice and efficiency are the two major themes of the criminal procedure design and the value orientation of the modern country ruled by law. Justice is the eternal value goal of mankind, including substantive justice and procedural justice, procedural justice is the guarantee to realize substantive justice, criminal prosecution is an important procedure link in criminal procedure, and whether the procedure design is scientific or not. It is directly related to the fairness and rationality of the whole criminal procedure. However, in the choice of criminal prosecution mode, from the first file transfer doctrine in 1979 to the photocopy doctrine in 1996 and then to the return of file transfer doctrine in 2012, this marks the failure of the reform of the case transfer system in China in 1996. The way of criminal prosecution in our country has returned to the state of 1979. Is it in accordance with the law of criminal procedure for the restoration of full volume transfer? How should we solve the problems such as the judgment of judges with fatal defects and the formality of the trial? We have to analyze the causes of the problem from a deeper level and seek countermeasures. Generally speaking, criminal prosecution is closely related to legal culture, public consciousness, judicial environment, litigation mode, litigation concept and so on. Before we choose the way of litigation, we must understand our national legal culture, public awareness, judicial environment, litigation mode, litigation concept in the end. Can the superior criminal prosecution in western countries be applied in our country? Will it have the same effect as them? All these need to be studied and discussed by us. The author thinks that the reform of the transfer mode of public prosecution file can not be completed overnight, but also the constant adjustment of legislation, the perfection of litigation system and the renewal of litigation concept. We believe that with the deepening of judicial reform, the criminal prosecution in our country will be more and more reasonable and perfect, and gradually realize the ideal mode of criminal prosecution. The text of this paper is divided into five parts: the first part of the theoretical definition of criminal prosecution, from three aspects to elaborate, first of all, the concept of criminal prosecution is briefly introduced. Then it introduces the types of criminal prosecution, and finally analyzes the theoretical basis of the formation of criminal prosecution, mainly from the criminal prosecution mode and the concept of criminal procedure. The second part is the analysis of the legal function of the criminal prosecution, which focuses on the role of the public prosecution in the criminal procedure. The third part is a comparative study on the criminal prosecution methods of Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France and other countries. As well as some problems in the way of criminal prosecution, in this part, I also focus on the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the doctrine of full volume transfer of evidence and one doctrine of indictment. The fourth part of the evolution of criminal prosecution and the analysis of the problems, this part of the first part of our criminal prosecution of the context of combing, so as to analyze why this kind of legislation repeated and analyze the reasons. At last, it analyzes the existing problems of criminal prosecution in our country. The fifth part is the basic conception of the rationalization of criminal prosecution in our country. In this part, I put forward my own opinions on reform and perfection in view of the problems existing in the current criminal procedure law of our country, and put forward "sectionalism". And put forward the improvement and construction of relevant supporting system.


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