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发布时间:2018-07-28 08:02
[Abstract]:In 2009, the Supreme people's Court of China issued the opinions of the Supreme people's Court on establishing and perfecting the conflict and dispute settlement mechanism linking litigation and non-litigation. This document marks the coming of the non-litigation settlement mechanism. The "decision of the CPC Central Committee on promoting the Rule of Law in an All-round way", adopted at the 2014 fourth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, points out that It is necessary to improve the mechanism for safeguarding rights in accordance with the law and pluralistic dispute resolution. Among them, special emphasis should be placed on perfecting the arbitration system and improving the credibility of arbitration. These documents are designed to effectively deal with the proliferation of litigation in our country through the development of non-litigation resolution mechanism. At present, with the acceleration of the process of legalization, people's legal consciousness has been further enhanced, and people pay more attention to the protection of their rights through legal means. On the other hand, the rapid development of economy also brings more disputes and contradictions, the number of cases is increasing. In addition, our country is now facing the huge reality of the shortage of judicial resources. The state does not have the capacity to continuously increase judicial resources, thereby satisfying everyone's desire to use litigation to resolve disputes. Therefore, it has an important strategic position to explore the connection between non-litigation settlement mechanism and litigation settlement mechanism. Litigation and arbitration, as two important ways to solve civil and commercial disputes, have made great contributions to the practice of rule of law in our country. Long-term practice has proved that the two are not hostile, but interrelated. Compared with the judicial nature of litigation, arbitration embodies the attribute of civil autonomy, which determines the different functions of the two in resolving disputes. As a kind of civil autonomy, the effective exertion of arbitration function can not be separated from the powerful backing of litigation. In addition, litigation is also an important means to supervise the implementation of arbitration award. Therefore, the connection between civil and commercial arbitration and litigation is particularly important. However, the lag of legislation affects the connection between civil and commercial arbitration and litigation to a certain extent. In 2012, China revised the Civil procedure Law. However, the current valid Arbitration Law was promulgated in 1994. Although the Supreme people's Court has issued many judicial interpretations and replies on arbitration, this cannot fundamentally solve the problems existing in the Arbitration Law. Therefore, this paper analyzes the basic theory of civil and commercial arbitration and litigation convergence from the three aspects of concept, form and function. By analyzing the current legislative situation, this paper studies the defects of the current system of arbitration and litigation convergence, and based on this, Five suggestions are put forward. Tracing back to the source, a mature society under the rule of law should be like this: on the one hand, we should allocate the existing judicial resources reasonably, on the other hand, we should limit or reduce unnecessary litigation as much as possible. Such a society can effectively cope with the social transformation of disputes and contradictions caused by the fact. It is precisely with this idea that the author sets up the legal system of civil and commercial arbitration and litigation, and through analyzing the various links and functions of civil and commercial arbitration and civil and commercial litigation seriously, achieves the correct social orientation and value orientation of civil and commercial arbitration and civil and commercial litigation. With regard to the problems of civil and commercial disputes in our country, we should, on the basis of fully considering the current situation in our country, draw lessons from the mature systems of some developed countries for arbitration, and purposefully and systematically construct a legal system linking our national commercial arbitration with litigation. In order to achieve the proper handling of civil and commercial disputes.


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