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发布时间:2018-07-28 12:31
[Abstract]:In order to protect the litigant's right of action and realize the procedural justice, the fourth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee carried out the reform of the registration system. However, due to the special national conditions of our country, the limitation of the law itself and the lack of systematic theoretical support for the reform, the number of cases "blowout" appeared in the course of operation, the court took away the right of action in disguise, the plaintiff improperly exercised the right of action, and so on. Therefore, when reconstructing the system of accepting cases, we should fully consider the national conditions of our country, take the common mode of civil law system-the Japanese system of civil law as the model, take the path of gradual reform, and seek the justification basis of the reform, supplemented by the theory of appraising rank of litigation. In the gradual reform path, the mode of case acceptance should be composed of formal review of pleadings and service of authority. If the pleadings do not have the necessary records, the judge may order them to correct or reject the pleadings. The whole model combines the doctrine of debate, the doctrine of disposition, the doctrine of authority and the doctrine of service, which reduces the factor of authority and strengthens the protection of the right of action and the principal position of the party in the procedure. With the deepening of the reform, the mode of accepting cases in our country is bound to assimilate to the mode of litigant doctrine.


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