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发布时间:2018-07-29 16:15
【摘要】:仲裁协会是仲裁行业的自律性组织,在一国的仲裁制度发展之中起到了无可替代的重要作用。而在我国,自《中华人民共和国仲裁法》对仲裁协会的性质和职能做出规定之后,再难见设立仲裁协会的实质进展。近年来,随着人们对我国仲裁行业现状问题的担忧,仲裁协会作为自律性组织愈发受到人们的关注和重视。因为它作为仲裁行业的自律组织,不仅仅是行业的服务者,更是对国家强制权力在民间性仲裁领域的有效替代,因而众多仲裁界人士认为仲裁协会能够在一定程度上缓解中国仲裁行业的困境,同时也意识到,现有制度和研究并不足以让我们对仲裁协会有较为全面和理性的认识,这使我们对最终解决如何构建仲裁协会的问题产生了更大的疑虑。 本文以仲裁协会是仲裁领域的行业协会这一立场出发,将行业协会的理论与仲裁行业的特点相结合,对我国构建仲裁行业协会涉及到的诸多关联问题进行探讨,并就我国仲裁协会的构建提出了具体建议。 本文除引言和结论之外,共由四章组成。 第一章主要回答了行业协会是什么,以及行业协会是如何产生、发展的问题。从交易成本的角度解释了行业协会的产生,并对行业协会的法律性质和职能进行了深入分析,为下文展开仲裁协会构建研究打下理论基础。 第二章介绍了国外仲裁行业组织的实践成果,将全面分析后的域外仲裁协会划分为两种模式:裁判与服务合一模式、裁判与服务分离模式,并分别选取具有代表性的行业协会,从法律性质、职能及组织结构三方面进行重点分析,研究对我国仲裁协会的借鉴意义。 第三章是对我国现阶段的仲裁协会展开的实证研究。从我国仲裁协会的立法现状及存在的问题,筹备情况及问题两个方面进行。 第四章是对我国仲裁协会进行的具体制度构建。结合以上对仲裁协会的理论及实证分析,围绕仲裁协会的法律地位、职能设置和内部结构三个方面,得出对我国仲裁协会的构建建议。
[Abstract]:Arbitration association is the self-discipline organization of arbitration industry, which plays an irreplaceable role in the development of arbitration system in a country. However, since the Arbitration Law of the people's Republic of China stipulated the nature and function of the arbitration association, it is difficult to see the substantial progress of the establishment of the arbitration association. In recent years, with people's concern about the status quo of arbitration industry in China, arbitration association has been paid more and more attention as a self-discipline organization. As a self-regulatory organization in the arbitration industry, it is not only a service provider of the industry, but also an effective substitute for the compulsory power of the state in the field of folk arbitration. As a result, many people in the arbitration profession believe that the Arbitration Association can alleviate the plight of the arbitration industry in China to a certain extent. At the same time, they also realize that the existing system and research are not sufficient to give us a more comprehensive and rational understanding of the Arbitration Association. This makes us have more doubts about how to finally solve the problem of how to construct arbitration association. Based on the position that the arbitration association is the industry association in the arbitration field, this paper combines the theory of the arbitration association with the characteristics of the arbitration industry, and probes into many related problems involved in the construction of the arbitration industry association in China. And put forward the concrete suggestion to the construction of the arbitration association of our country. In addition to the introduction and conclusions, this paper consists of four chapters. The first chapter mainly answers the question of what the trade association is, and how the trade association comes into being and develops. This paper explains the emergence of trade association from the angle of transaction cost, and deeply analyzes the legal nature and function of trade association, which lays a theoretical foundation for the following research on the construction of arbitration association. The second chapter introduces the practical results of foreign arbitration industry organizations, and divides the overseas arbitration associations into two models: the model of the integration of referee and service, the mode of separation of adjudication and service, and the selection of representative trade associations. From the legal nature, function and organizational structure of the three aspects of the analysis, the study of China's arbitration association reference significance. The third chapter is an empirical study of the arbitration association in China at the present stage. From the current situation of the arbitration association and the existing problems, preparations and problems two aspects. The fourth chapter is the concrete system construction of the arbitration association of our country. Combined with the above theoretical and empirical analysis of the arbitration association, around the legal status of the arbitration association, function and internal structure of three aspects, the construction of the arbitration association in China is proposed.


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