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发布时间:2018-07-30 07:28
【摘要】:2012年3月14日,第十一届全国人民代表大会第五次会议通过了《全国人民代表大会关于修改中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法的决定》。在本次刑事诉讼法修订之前,国内因刑讯逼供引起的冤假错案频繁发生,国人对此深恶痛绝,要从根本上遏制刑讯逼供和非法证据收集,就需要制度设计的改变和完善。因此,修改后的刑事诉讼法在严禁刑讯逼供规定的基础上,增加了“不得强迫任何人证实自己有罪”的规定。 根据不得强迫自证其罪规则的规定,犯罪嫌疑人除了自愿坦白案件事实外,侦查机关不能对其进行强迫,如果是严刑逼供的言词证据,一律排除。这一规则的引入不仅能够有效防止和遏制刑讯逼供行为,也有利于维护司法公正,有利于保障刑事诉讼参与人的合法权利。这与修改后的刑事诉讼法总则中的“尊重与保障人权”相呼应,明确了刑事诉讼法修正案提出的初衷,即:既要有利于保证准确及时地查明犯罪事实,正确应用法律,惩罚犯罪分子,又要保障无罪的人不受刑事追究,尊重和保障人权,保护公民的诉讼权利和其他合法权利。 不得强迫自证其罪规则纳入修改后的刑事诉讼法是我国法治建设的进步,是我国刑事司法领域改革取得的一项重要成就,该规则的引入促进了我国刑事诉讼制度的发展和完善。在这样新形势背景之下,检察机关如何结合工作实际更好地适用不得强迫自证其罪规则就显得尤为重要。本文结合工作实际,对不得强迫自证其罪规则的概念、理论基础、将其引入修改后的刑事诉讼法的意义、和沉默权的关系以及与刑事诉讼中相关规则的衔接进行了分析,并通过分析案例对不得强迫自证其罪规则在检察工作中的适用和影响进行了探讨,最后尝试对检察工作中如何更好地适用不得强迫自证其罪规则提出建议对策。
[Abstract]:On March 14, 2012, the Fifth session of the Eleventh National people's Congress adopted the decision of the National people's Congress on amending the Criminal procedure Law of the people's Republic of China. Before the revision of the Criminal procedure Law, the domestic cases caused by extortion of confessions by torture occur frequently, which is deeply hated by Chinese people. It is necessary to change and perfect the system design in order to contain the extortion of confessions by torture and the collection of illegal evidence fundamentally. Therefore, the revised Code of Criminal procedure, on the basis of the prohibition of extorting confessions by torture, adds the provision that "no one shall be compelled to prove his guilt". According to the rule that the criminal suspect can not confess the facts of the case voluntarily, the investigating organ can not force him, if it is the verbal evidence of torture to extract a confession, he shall be excluded. The introduction of this rule not only can effectively prevent and curb the act of extorting confessions by torture, but also helps to maintain judicial justice and protect the legal rights of participants in criminal proceedings. This echoes the "respect and protection of human rights" in the revised General principles of Criminal procedure Law, and clarifies the original intention of the amendment to the Criminal procedure Law, that is, it is necessary to ensure the accurate and timely identification of criminal facts and the correct application of the law. To punish criminals, we should protect innocent people from criminal prosecution, respect and protect human rights, and protect citizens' litigation and other legal rights. It is the progress of the construction of the rule of law and an important achievement of the reform in the field of criminal justice in our country to incorporate the rule of criminal procedure into the revised criminal procedure law. The introduction of this rule has promoted the development and perfection of the criminal procedure system in our country. In such a new situation, it is very important for procuratorial organs to apply the rules of self-incrimination. Combined with the practice of the work, this paper analyzes the concept, theoretical basis, the significance of introducing it into the revised criminal procedure law, the relationship between the right to silence and the connection with the relevant rules in the criminal procedure. Through the analysis of cases, this paper probes into the application and influence of the rule of non-compulsive self-incrimination in the procuratorial work, and finally attempts to put forward some suggestions on how to better apply the rule of non-compulsive self-incrimination in the procuratorial work.


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